Multiple Associate Degrees

Students may earn a traditional Associate Degree (AA/AS) from Fullerton College after receiving a baccalaureate degree or an associate degree from another regionally-accredited U.S. Institution, upon completion of the following:

  1. a minimum of 24 units in residence or the last 12 units prior to awarding the degree (in any subject area unless there are residency requirements for the specific major, see major requirements for details)
  2. all requirements in the major field of study, with a grade of C or better

  3. other Fullerton College graduation requirements for which equivalents have not been completed, including Physical Education, Multicultural, and Reading requirements

  4. a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better

  5. Title 5 Minimum Requirements for an Associate Degree (there will be no additional local General Education requirements as long as all Title 5 Requirements have been met).

  6. Official transcript(s) of the regionally-accredited U.S. institution(s) must be submitted to Admissions and Records.

Title 5 Minimum Requirements for an Associate Degree include:

  1. Completion of an English composition course with a grade of C or better at the level of Freshman Composition (minimum of 3 semester units)

  2. Completion of a mathematics course with a grade of C or better at or above the level of Intermediate Algebra (minimum of 3 semester units) or by achieving an assessment test score determined to be comparable to satisfactory completion of Intermediate Algebra or a college level math course (please note: no units are awarded if this requirement is met using an assessment test score).

  3. An additional 15 semester units of General Education Requirements including at least 3 semester units in each of the GE areas below:

    1. (3 units) Natural Sciences

    2. (3 units) Social and Behavioral Sciences

    3. (3 units) Humanities

    4. (3 units) Communication and Analytical Thinking (this may be satisfied through completion of a math course at or above the level of Intermediate Algebra)