Fullerton College

College Catalog
2024 - 2025
321 East Chapman Avenue
Fullerton, California 92832-2095
(714) 992-7000
Telecommunication Device for the Deaf - (714) 871-9192
Fullerton College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC), http://www.accjc.org, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), http://www.acswasc.org, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education and the California State Department of Education.
Fullerton College publishes a new catalog every year. The information published in this catalog is effective for the academic year beginning with the fall semester and concluding with the summer intersession effective Fall 2024 through Summer 2025.
Statement of Assurance
Every effort is made to ensure that the information, applicable policies, and other materials presented in the Fullerton College Catalog are accurate and current. In the event a correction or update is warranted, this e-catalog will absorb that change, and a catalog addendum can be viewed on the main page under "Updates to the Catalog".
Catalog Rights
The requirements for degrees and certificates may change during the time a student attends Fullerton College. Catalog rights are established when a student first takes classes at Fullerton College, and they are maintained through continual enrollment at the college. These rights protect students from being held responsible for changes made to their academic programs in the years that follow their initial enrollment. Students maintain catalog rights by maintaining continuous enrollment at Fullerton College — that is, by receiving a grade of “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” “F,” “CR,” “P,” “NC,” “NP,” “RD,” “W,” or “I” on their transcripts for at least one course per academic year. Documented military or medical leave during the academic year will not be considered an interruption of enrollment. This policy supersedes all previous catalog rights provisions and applies only to programs at Fullerton College.
Notice to Students
The information contained in this catalog is advisory only and does not constitute a contractual agreement by the college or guarantee that course content will be strictly followed or fulfilled. Fullerton College and the North Orange County Community College District reserves the right to change at any time, without notice, academic requirements to graduate, curriculum course content and structures, and such other matters as may be within their control, notwithstanding any information set forth in this catalog.