Local General Education Requirements for the Associate Degree

General Education requirements at Cypress College are designed to introduce students to the many ways people comprehend the modern world. The subject matter presented in general education courses is designed to be broad, and frequently introductory, rather than specialized, narrow, or advanced. These courses form a pattern of learning experiences designed to develop the following insights and capacities in all students, regardless of their ultimate educational goals:

  • Knowledge of the common principles, concepts, and modes of inquiry in the major disciplines;
  • Appreciation and understanding of the environment, culture, society, and self;
  • Ability to think and communicate clearly and effectively, critically and ethically both orally and in writing;
  • Proficiency in mathematics, natural science, and analytical thinking;
  • Understanding of the political and economic environment in order to be better informed and more responsible citizens;
  • Desire to continue education throughout their lives.

Courses taken for general education must be on the Local General Education pattern at the time they are taken. Continuing students should check with a counselor in planning completion of General Education requirements. Students entering Cypress College in Fall 1995, or later, must complete 25 units of General Education (of the total 60 degree applicable units required for the Associate Degree) taken from the following areas listed on the next page.

Note: A satisfactory score on the Cypress College reading proficiency test will determine placement into college-level English (Area A1 below) or pre-college level course work. Refer to the Class Schedule listed under STEP TWO, ENGLISH ASSESSMENT. A student may attempt to pass the proficiency exam only one time after completion of ENGL 100 C or equivalent.

The mathematics requirement may be met by passing a Mathematics Proficiency Examination (Area B2 below). Refer to the Class Schedule for time and date of administration of the Mathematics Proficiency Examination. See Math Proficiency Examination explanation, location can be found in the MATHEMATICS portion of the Class Schedule or the catalog.

Associate Degree Requirements

Major course-work toward an occupational degree (AA or AS), completion of 60 degree eligible units with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 and satisfaction of the 25-unit general education requirement. Includes fulfillment of both graduation requirements: (Reading & Social Justice, Equity and Sustainability).

Prior Completion of General Education

Students with an earned associate, baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher learning will not be required to complete any additional general education coursework to earn an Associate degree. Students who have been admitted to a Bachelor Degree program at Cypress College and who have already earned a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education shall not be required to complete additional upper division general education requirements and shall be required to complete only the coursework necessary for graduation.

*Students still need to meet Social Justice, Equity and Sustainability graduation requirement

Courses taken for general education must be on the native AA/AS General Education list at the time they are taken. Students should check with their counselor in planning completion of General Education requirements.


A1. Written Communication (3-unit minimum)
College Writing 54
Honors College Writing
Enhanced College Writing5
Coll Comp for Non-Native Spkrs5
A2. Analytical Thinking (3-unit minimum)
Effective Communication3
Human Communication 2,53
Honors Human Communication
Mediated Oral Communication 23
Argument and Critical Thinking 23
Computer Information Systems 23
Critical Reasoning and Writing 2,54
Honors Critical Reason Wrtg
Critical Analysis and Literature 2, 54
Honors Critical Analysis and Literature
Grammar and Usage3
Logic and Critical Thinking 2,53
Honors Logic and Crit Thinking
Critical Thinking and Writing 23
Symbolic Logic 23


B1. Life Sciences and Physical Sciences (3-unit minimum)
Biological Anthropology 53
Honors Biological Anthropology
Biological Anthropology Lab1
Intro to Forensic Anthropology3
Introduction to Astronomy 53
Honors Intro to Astronomy
Astronomy Lab 51
Honors Astronomy Lab
General Biology 54
Honors General Biology
Human Biology3
Environmental Science3
BIOL 107 C
Marine Biology4
Prin 1 - Cell & Molecular Bio.5
Prin. 2: Organismal Biology5
Integrated Medical Science3
BIOL 174 C
BIOL 175 C
Anatomy and Physiology5
Medical Microbiology4
General Human Anatomy4
General Human Physiology4
BIOL 276 C
Molecular Biology4
Chemistry for Daily Life4
Chem for Health Sci Majors I4.5
Chemistry and Society 13
Physical Science for Teachers4
Preparation for General Chem5
General Chemistry I5
General Chemistry II5
Chem for Health Sci Majors II4.5
Physical Geography3
Physical Geography - Lab1
Weather and Climate3
Physical Geology 53
Honors Physical Geology
Physical Geology Laboratory1
Historical Geology4
Geology of National Parks3
Earth Science for Teachers4
Physical Geology Field Lab1
Geology of California3
Natural Disasters3
Introduction to Oceanography3
Introduction to Oceanography Lab1
Environmental Geology3
Physical Science for Teachers4
Elementary Physics4
College Physics I4
College Physics II4
Physics for Life Sciences I4
Physics for Life Sciences II4
General Physics I4
General Physics II4
General Physics III4
The Brain and Behavior (Begin F18) 43
B2. Mathematics
3-Unit Minimum (Courses need a prerequisite of Elementary Algebra or higher)3
MATH 030 C
(Begin F09)4
MATH 040 C
MATH 041 C
Liberal Arts Mathematics3
Math for Prospective Teachers4
Math for Prospective Teachers
Finite Mathematics4
Finite Mathematics
Intro Probability Statistics 54
Intro to Probability and Stats
Intro. to Prob. & Stat w/ Tech4
Survey of Calculus4
Survey of Calculus
College Algebra4
College Algebra
Calculus I4
Calculus II4
Calculus I4
Intro. to Data Science with R4
Multivariable Calculus4
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations5
Probability & Stats-Social Sci 54
Honors Prob Stats-Soc Sci
Probability & Stats-Social Sci 54
Honors Prob & Stats-Soc Sci


C1. Arts (3-unit minimum)
Fndmtls of Art for Non-Art Mjs3
Introduction to Art3
Survey of Art History I3
Survey of Art History II 53
Honors Survey of Art History II
Modern Art History3
Arts of Africa, Oceania and Indigenous North America3
Two-Dimensional Design3
Three-Dimensional Design3
Introduction to Digital Art3
Ceramics Handbuilding3
Ceramics Throwing3
Beginning Drawing3
Beginning Life Drawing3
Beginning Painting (formerly ART 189 C)3
Latin American Art3
Intro to Dance Appreciation3
Multicultural Dance in the US 33
Ballet I2
Ballet II2
Modern Dance I2
Modern Dance II2
Jazz Dance I2
Jazz Dance II2
Costume Design for Dance3
Light Design for Dance3
Dance and Technology (Begin F19)2
The Film 53
Honors Film
Animation History Technology3
History of Graphic Design3
Crime Film Genre3
Fantasy Film Genre3
Comedy Film Genre3
Musical Film Genre3
Introduction to Media (formerly MM 105 C)3
Film Noir Genre3
Great Directors of Cinema3
Science Fiction Film Genre3
Silent Film Genre3
Western Film Genre3
Horror Film Genre3
Music Fundamentals3
Jazz History3
History of Hip Hop - Rap3
Music Appreciation3
American Popular Music3
Introduction to Opera 53
Honors Introduction to Opera
History of Rock Music3
Survey of Music History3
Music in Film3
Jazz and Musical Theater Choir1
Cypress Masterworks Chorale1
Introduction to Photography 53
History of Photography3
Introduction to the Theatre3
Play Analysis3
World Theatre History 13
Musical Theatre History3
Diversity in American Theatre 3,53
Honors Diversity in Amer. Tht
Playwriting (formerly Stage and Screenwriting)3
Acting I3
Musical Theatre Techniques I 53
Voice and Diction3
Musical Theatre Performance I2-3
Rehearsal Performance I2-3
Stage Crew I - Running1-2
C2. Humanities (3-unit minimum)
Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology (Begin F14)3
Magic Witchcraft and Religion3
Beginning Spoken Chinese3
Elementary Chinese-Mandarin I5
Elementary Chinese-Mandarin II5
Intermediate Chinese-Mandarin lll5
Intermediate Chinese-Mandarin IV4
The Rhetoric of the City 4,53
Honors Rhetoric of the City
Introduction to Literature 2,53
Honors Intro to Literature
Humanities - Ancient and Medieval3
Humanities - Renaissance - Present (same as INDS 101 C)3
Introduction to Screenwriting3
Intro to Poetry Writing3
Intro to Short Story Writing3
Intro to Creative Nonfic Wrtg3
Asian American Literature3
English Literature to 17603
English Literature Since 17603
American Literature to 18653
American Literature Since 18653
World Literature to 16503
World Literature Since 16503
Shakespeare 53
Honors Shakespeare
Survey - Children's Literature 33
Science Fiction3
Fantasy Fiction3
Latino-a-x Literature3
African-American Literature I 33
African-American Literature II 33
Survey of Arabic Literature (in translation) 53
Honors Survey of Arabic Literature
Expl Culture thru Acad Disc 15
Expl Culture thru Acad Disc 25
American Ethnic Studies3
Honors American Ethnic Studies
Intro to African Amer Studies3
African-American History I 33
African-American History II 33
Intro to Chicana-o-x Studies3
Chicana-o-x History I3
Chicana-o-x History II 33
Intro to Native Amer Studies 3,43
Native American History I 3,43
Native American History II 3,43
Intro to Asian Pac Am Studies 3,43
Asian Pacific American History 33
Race, Ethnicity & Pop Culture3
Elementary French I5
Elementary French II5
Intermediate French III4
Intermediate French IV4
Western Civilizations I 53
Honors Western Civilizations I
Western Civilizations II 53
Honors West. Civilizations II
World Civilizations I3
Honors World Civilizations I
World Civilizations II3
Honors World Civilizations II
History of the Holocaust3
U.S. History: Conflict West3
Asian Civilizations I 43
Asian Civilizations II 43
History of Mexico3
History of the Middle East3
History of the United States I 4,53
Honors History of the U.S. I
History of the United States II 4,53
Honors History of the U.S. II
Women in United States History 43
History of California 3,43
Humanities - Ancient and Medieval (same as ENGL 110 C)3
Spoken Japanese for Beginners3
Elementary Japanese I5
Elementary Japanese II5
Japanese Culture through Film3
Conversational Japanese (begin F'19)2
Intermediate Japanese III4
Intermediate Japanese IV4
Global Media3
Sports in Film3
Introduction to Language3
Introduction to Philosophy 53
Honors Intro to Philosophy
Intro to Religious Studies 53
Honors Intro. to Religion 53
World Religions3
Religions of the East3
Religions of the West3
Social and Political Philosophy3
Introduction to Ethics3
Contemporary Moral Issues3
History of Ancient Philosophy3
History of Modern Philosophy3
The American Religious Exp3
Philosophy of Religion3
Jesus and His Interpreters3
Elementary Spanish I 15
Elementary Spanish II 15
Spanish for Spanish Speakers I5
Spanish for Spanish Speakers II5
Intermediate Spanish III4
Intermediate Spanish IV4



Introduction to Criminal Justice3
Concepts of Criminal Law3
Cultural Anthropology 53
Honors Cultural Anthropology
Introduction to Archaeology3
Comparative Cultures3
Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology3
Human Prehistory/Ancient Civi3
Magic Witchcraft and Religion3
Native North America 33
Anthropology of Death3
Applied and Practicing Anthrop3
Ancient Cultures/Mex/Cent Am3
Interpersonal Communication3
Intercultural Communication 33
The Rhetoric of the City 4,53
Honors Rhetoric of the City
The History of Disability U.S. (Begin F 23)3
Introduction to Disability Studies3
Principles of Economics-Macro 53
Honors Princ of Econ-Macro
Principles of Economics-Micro 53
Honors Princ of Econ - Micro
Survey of Economics 1, 33
International Economics3
Consumer Economics3
American Ethnic Studies 3,53
Honors American Ethnic Studies
Intro to African Amer Studies 33
African-American History I 33
African-American History II 33
Intro to Chicana-o-x Studies 33
Chicana-o-x History I 33
Chicana-o-x History II 33
Chicana-o-x & Latina-o-x Cont. 33
Intro to Native Amer Studies 3,43
Native American History I 3,43
Native American History II 3,43
Intro to Asian Pac Am Studies 3,43
Asian Pacific American History 3,43
Race, Ethnicity & Pop Culture3
American Racial Liber. Mvmt3
World Geography 53
Honors World Geography
California Geography3
Cultural Geography3
Economic Geography3
Western Civilizations I 53
Honors Western Civilizations I
Western Civilizations II 53
Honors West. Civilizations II
World Civilizations I 53
Honors World Civilizations I
World Civilizations II 53
Honors World Civilizations II
History of the Holocaust3
U.S. History: Conflict West3
History of Africa3
History of Latin America I3
History of Latin America II3
Survey of British History I3
Survey of British History II3
Asian Civilizations I3
Asian Civilizations II3
History of Mexico3
History of the Middle East3
History of the United States I 4,53
Honors History of the U.S. I
History of the United States II 4,53
Honors History of the U.S. II
History of the Americas I (formerly HIST 162AC)3
History of the Americas II (formerly HIST 162BC)3
Women in United States History 43
History of California 3,43
Cultur Awareness Health Care 33
Introduction to Human Services3
Introduction to Global Citizenship Studies3
Global Citizenship Issues3
Global Media3
Psychology of Sport3
Sport and United States Society (formerly PE 250 C)3
Women's Health3
KIN 285 C
Introduction to Business3
Human Relations in Business3
Business Ethics3
United States Government 53
Honors U.S. Government
Political Theory3
Intro to Political Science3
Urban Politics3
Contemporary Political Issues3
Comparative Politics3
Politics of the Middle East3
International Relations3
Gender and Politics3
Introduction to Psychology 53
Honors Intro to Psychology
Applied Psychology3
Human Sexuality 13
Cross-Cultural Psychology (formerly PSY 237 C)3
Developmental Psychology3
Child Psychology3
Research Methods in Psychology4
The Brain and Behavior3
Abnormal Psychology 43
Social Psychology3
Psychology of Aging 13
Rec. Sport Lead. & Dev. Grps3
Introduction to Sociology 53
Honors Introduction to Sociology
Social Problems3
Sociology Research Methods3
Sociology of Women3
Sociology of Aging 53
Marriage and Family3
Sociology of Religion3
Media, Culture, and Society3
Soc of Cont Race Ethnic Rel3
Introduction to Criminology3


Pilates Mat Work1
Ballet I2
Ballet II2
Modern Dance I2
Modern Dance II2
Dance Improvisation2
Adaptive Dance1-2
Jazz Dance I2
Jazz Dance II2
Tap Dance I1
Tap Dance II1
Hip Hop Dance1
Ballet III2
Modern Dance III2
Afro-Caribbean Dance1
Middle Eastern Dance1
Latin and Swing Dance1
Summer Dance Festival l1.5-2
Performance Class I (formerly DANC 204 C)2-3
Performance Class II2-3
Performance Class III2-3
Performance Class IV2-3
Summer Dance Festival II1.5-2
Dance Production l0.5-2
Dance Ensemble1-2
Dance Production II0.5-2
Dance Open Laboratory0.5-3
Dance Seminar0.5-12
Dance Independent Study0.5-2
Honors Nutrition3
Adapted Kinesiology Weight Training (formerly PE 100 C)0.5-1
Adapted Kinesiology Activity (formerly PE 101 C)0.05-1
Electronic Sports - Beginning1
Electronic Sports - Intermediate1
Electronic Sports - Advanced1
Spirit Squad (formerly PE 179 C)1-2
Surfing (formerly PE 122 C)0.5-1
Swimming (formerly PE 134 C)0.5-1
Springboard Diving (formerly PE 136 C)0.5-1
Springboard Diving - Intermediate - Advanced0.5-1
Swim for Fitness (formerly PE 149 C)0.5-1
Water Aerobics (formerly PE 151 C)0.5-1
Kick-Boxing (formerly PE 163 C)0.5-1
Self-Defense (formerly PE 170 C)0.5-1
Vinyasa Yoga0.5-1
Yoga (formerly PE 102 C)0.5-1
Restorative and Gentle Yoga0.5-1
Hatha Yoga0.5-1
Cardiovascular Conditioning (formerly PE 114 C)0.5-1
KIN 134 C
Cardio Step (formerly PE 129 C)0.5-1
Cardio Step - Intermediate (formerly Step Aerobics - Intermediate)0.5-3
Mountaineering and Rock Climbing (formerly PE 142 C)0.5-1
Body Sculpt (formerly PE 148 C)0.5-1
Cardio Blast (formerly PE 150 C)0.5-1
Fitness Training (formerly PE 152 C)0.5-1
Power Training (formerly PE 156 C)0.5-1
Strength Training (formerly PE 159 C)0.5-1
Boot Camp Workout - Intermediate (formerly HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training)0.5-1
Boot Camp Workout (formerly PE 168 C)0.5-1
Cardio Core (formerly PE 178 C)0.5-1
Body Building and Development (formerly PE 182 C)0.5-1
Total Body Fitness (formerly PE 187 C)0.5-1
Weight Training and Lifting (formerly PE 193 C)0.5-1
KIN 150 C
Trail Hiking - Intermediate0.5-1
Trail Hiking - Advanced0.5-1
Fitness First Resp. Beg.1
Fitness First Resp. Interm.1
Tact. Fit. for Fire Fighters1
Spinning - Intermediate0.5-1
Spinning - Advanced0.5-1
Triathlon - Beginning0.5-1
Triathlon - Intermediate0.5-1
Fitness Testing and Exercise Prescription (formerly PE 154 C)2
Badminton - Beginning (formerly PE 105 C Badminton)0.5-1
Badminton - Intermediate0.5-1
Badminton - Advanced0.5-1
Table Tennis (formerly PE 107 C)0.5-1
Bowling - Beginning (former PE 108 C)0.5-1
Bowling - Intermediate0.5-1
Bowling - Advanced0.5-1
Gymnastics-Tumbling (formerly PE 119 C)0.5-1
Tennis - Beginning (formerly PE 139 C)0.5-1
Tennis - Intermediate (formerly PE 141 C)0.5-1
Tennis - Advanced0.5-1
Golf - Beginning (formerly PE 115 C)0.5-1
Golf - Intermediate (formerly PE 157 C)0.5-1
Golf - Advanced0.5-1
Pickleball - Beginning0.5-1
Pickleball - Intermediate0.5-1
Pickleball - Advanced0.5-1
Futsal - Beginning (formerly PE 109 C)0.5-1
Futsal - Intermediate0.5-1
Futsal - Advanced0.5-1
Volleyball - Beginning (formerly PE 144 C)0.5-1
Volleyball - Intermediate (formerly PE 145 C)0.5-1
Volleyball - Advanced0.5-1
Beach Volleyball - Beginning (formerly PE 126 C)0.5-1
Beach Volleyball - Intermediate (formerly PE 128 C)0.5-1
Beach Volleyball - Advanced0.5-1
Basketball - Beginning (formerly PE 181 C)0.5-1
Basketball - Intermediate (formerly PE 160 C)0.5-1
Basketball - Advanced0.5-1
Water Polo (formerly PE 146 C)0.5-1
Softball (formerly PE 172 C)0.5-1
Flag Football (formerly PE 197 C)0.5-1
Athletic Weight Training (formerly PE 104 C)0.5-3
Conditioning for Athletes (formerly PE 162 C)0.5-3
Intercollegiate Baseball (formerly PE 202 C)3
Intercollegiate Basketball - Men (formerly PE 203 C)1.5-3
Intercollegiate Basketball - Women (formerly PE 204 C)1.5-3
Intercollegiate Beach Volleyball - Women (formerly PE 217 C)3
Intercollegiate Golf - Men (formerly PE 208 C)3
Intercollegiate Golf - Women3
Intercollegiate Soccer - Men (formerly PE 209 C)3
Intercollegiate Soccer - Women3
Intercollegiate Softball - Women (formerly PE 210 C)3
Intercollegiate Swimming - Men (formerly PE 211 C)3
Intercollegiate Swimming - Women (formerly PE 212 C)3
Intercollegiate Tennis (formerly PE 214 C)3
Intercollegiate Volleyball - Women (formerly PE 218 C)3
Intercollegiate Water Polo - Women (formerly PE 219 C)3
Intercollegiate Water Polo - Men3
Intercollegiate Badminton - Women (formerly PE 222 C)3
Lifetime Fitness and Wellness (formerly Human Performance)3
Women's Health3
KIN 284 C
KIN 285 C
Philosophy and Consciousness of Yoga3
Yoga and the Physical Body3
Yoga and the Subtle Body3
Contemporary Yoga Studies3
PHS 270 C
or PHS 270HC
Introduction to Public Health 53
Honors Intro to Public Health
Health and Social Justice 3,53
Honors Health and Social Just
Womens Health3
Contemporary Personal Health3
Global and Community Health3
PHS 286 C
Inter. Neurob. & Mind-body Con3
Whole Systems Integrative Health3

Social Justice, Equity and Sustainability Requirement (3-unit Minimum)

Community and the Justice System3
Native North America3
Cultural Tourism3
Intercultural Communication3
The History of Disability U.S.3
Multicultural Dance in the US3
Asian American Literature3
Survey - Children's Literature3
Latino-a-x Literature3
African-American Literature I3
African-American Literature II3
American Ethnic Studies 53
Honors American Ethnic Studies
Intro to African Amer Studies3
African-American History I3
African-American History II3
Intro to Chicana-o-x Studies3
Chicana-o-x History I3
Chicana-o-x History II3
Chicana-o-x & Latina-o-x Cont.3
Intro to Native Amer Studies3
Native American History I3
Native American History II3
Intro to Asian Pac Am Studies3
Asian Pacific American History3
Race, Ethnicity & Pop Culture3
American Racial Liber. Mvmt3
History of California3
Cultur Awareness Health Care3
Cross-Cultural Criminology3
Sport and United States Society (formerly PE 250 C)3
History of Hip Hop - Rap3
The American Religious Exp3
Health and Social Justice 53
Honors Health and Social Just
Urban Politics3
Cross-Cultural Psychology (formerly PSY 237 C)3
Rec. Sport Lead. & Dev. Grps3
Soc of Cont Race Ethnic Rel3
Diversity in American Theatre 53
Honors Diversity in Amer. Tht
NOTE: Completion of the Nursing Program also meets the Social Justice, Equity and Sustainability graduation requirement.

Reading Proficiency Requirement

Proficiency in reading may be satisfied by one of the following:

  1. Completion of a degree (Associate of Arts/Associate of Science or higher) from a United States regionally-accredited college or university.
  2. A passing grade of C or better in READ 096 C or ENGL 102 C or a comparable course from a regionally accredited college or university.
  3. A passing grade of C or better in any course in the Cypress College IGETC (1B); or Cypress College CSU GE (A3) Critical Thinking category or a comparable course from a regionally accredited college or university.
  4. A passing grade of C or better in the Cypress College AA/AS degree General Education pattern Area A2 (Analytical Thinking) or a comparable course from a regionally accredited college or university.