Residential Interior Design Certificate


The Residential Interior Design Certificate (formerly Residential Design Certificate) is designed to prepare the student for an entry level position within a residential interior design establishment. In addition, the student will qualify to take the IDEX (Interior Design Examination) administered by the California Council for Interior Design Certification (CCIDC) leading to the professional designation of Certified Interior Designer in the State of California. This certificate option requires the completion of the Interior Design Assistant Certificate and additionally provides advanced courses in interior design. This certificate requires a total of 50-54 units. A minimum grade of C is required for all courses.

Required Core Courses (28 units) from the Interior Design Assistant Certificate
ARCH 124 FArchitectural CAD I3
ARCH 924 FArchitectural CAD II3
IDES 100 F Fundamentals of Interior Design3
IDES 105 FInterior Design Studio I2
IDES 110 F Drafting for Interior Design (formerly Drafting - Interior Design)3
IDES 130 F Applied Color and Design Theory4
IDES 150 F Interior Materials and Products4
IDES 180 F History of Architecture and Furnishings I (formerly History of Architecture I)3
IDES 190 F History of Architecture and Furnishings II (formerly History of Interior Architecture II)3
Required Courses for Residential Interior Design Certificate (17-19 units)
IDES 170 FSpace Planning I3
IDES 200 FInterior Illustration I2
IDES 210 FFundamentals of Lighting3
IDES 215 FInterior Design Studio II2
IDES 225 FInterior Illustration II2
IDES 230 F Business and Professional Practice3
IDES 240 FInterior Design Internship2-4
Restricted Electives (5-7 units):5-7
Construction Plans Reading (formerly Construction Blueprint Reading)3
Interior Design Building Codes3
Interior Illustration III2
Interior Design Studio IV2
Principles of Selling3
Total Units50-54

Outcome 1: Identify and understand the sequential Interior Design Process from discovery to post evaluation of a residential interior design project.

Outcome 2: Produce and demonstrate comprehensive solutions to advanced residential interior design projects.