Grading System

The Grade Point Average (GPA) is the total completed grade points divided by the total attempted credit amount.  In general, most noncredit courses are not graded, however, North Orange Continuing Education has two areas where students are awarded an evaluative symbol at the conclusion of the course; High School Diploma courses and courses in the category of Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP).

Grading for High School Diploma

Student performance in High School Diploma Programs courses is indicated below. Grades which carry point value, and which are used in determining the grade point average (GPA), are as follows:

High School Academic Grading Scale

A — Excellent 4 grade points
B — Good 3 grade points
C — Average 2 grade points
D — Below Average 1 grade point
NG — Not Graded 0 grade points

The GPA is the total completed grade points divided by the total attempted credit amount.

GED/HiSET Academic Grading Scale

P — Pass Satisfactory, C or better 0 grade points
SP — Satisfactory Progress 0 grade points
NS — No Show 0 grade points

College Prep Academic Grading Scale

P — Pass Satisfactory, C or better 0 grade points
NS — No Show 0 grade points

Credits Indicated by the Below Evaluative Symbols Are Not Counted Toward GPA

P — Pass Satisfactory, C or better 0 grade points
F — Fail 0 grade points
NP — No Pass 0 grade points
CR — Credit 0 grade points
NC — No Credit 0 grade points
IP — In Progress 0 grade points
NG — Not Graded 0 grade points
U — Ungraded 0 grade points
NS — No Show 0 grade points

The GPA is the total completed grade points divided by the total attempted credit amount. In general, most noncredit courses are not graded, however, the North Orange Continuing Education has two areas where students are awarded an evaluative symbol at the conclusion of the course; High School Diploma courses and courses in the category of Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP).

Grading for Career Development and College Preparation Courses

Students enrolled in a Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) course are advised that they will be issued a grade that will appear on their NOCE transcript and permanent academic history.  A CDCP course is a course that is part of a sequence of courses resulting in a noncredit certificate. They are offered in the areas of short-term vocational or workforce preparation, basic skills, and English as a Second Language. The following grading system is used, although not all of the grades below are used by all of the CDCP programs.

CDCP Grading Scale

P — Pass 0 grade points
NP — No Pass 0 grade points
SP — Satisfactory Progress 0 grade points
W — Withdrawal 0 grade points

Students enrolled in a Career Technical Education (CTE) Program course are advised that if they do not wish to be graded, they must drop the course prior to the eighth hour of instruction. While an instructor may drop a student for excessive absences, it is the student's responsibility to officially withdraw from a class. If a student withdraws after the eighth hour of instruction, but prior to the last quarter of instruction, the student will receive a "W" grade on their transcript, regardless of whether the drop was initiated by the student or instructor. Students may not drop a course after the start of the final quarter of the course. 

Auditing Classes

If a student has received a passing grade in a pharmacy technician or a medical assistant course and wishes to repeat the course, the student should submit an audit request form to the Associate Dean I for Career Technical Education. For more information about auditing a pharmacy technician or medical assistant course, please contact (714) 808-4915. There is a $15 fee charged for auditing a course. Fees charged for auditing a course is subject to change. Auditing other NOCE courses is not permitted. 

Grade Appeal Policy 

NOCE recognizes the legal right of faculty to set standards of performance and to apply them to individual students. Therefore, the instructor is the final authority in determining grades that are assigned to students and that appear in their permanent academic records. Students have a right to inquire how their grade was determined and have a right to formally appeal the final grade earned. Appeals are limited to the situations in which students believe the grade is prejudicially, capriciously, or arbitrarily assigned. Grade appeal requests should be initiated by the student during the next term but no later than one year following the award of the original grade. All grade appeal requests should be directed to the NOCE Director of Admission and Records at (714)992-9502. For additional information, you may refer to Board Policy 4231 at     

Course Repetition

No limits are imposed on the repetition of most noncredit courses. However, in the case of special noncredit courses, such as those for students with disabilities, restrictions on repeatability may be imposed when students are judged to have met the objectives of a course and/or are no longer making measurable progress. For additional information, you may refer to Board Policy 4225 at   

Course Substitution

A request for a Course Substitution may be discussed with the CTE department.

Credit by Exam

The purpose of Credit by Examination is to allow credit for prior or advanced knowledge of class material by the student. Currently, enrolled students may be permitted to obtain Credit by Examination in subject areas in which they are specially qualified through previous training or experience for which credit has not previously been given. Examinations will be sufficiently comprehensive to determine that the student has essentially the same knowledge and skills as a student who successfully completes the course. Only those courses approved for Credit by Examination will be eligible. Students may discuss Credit by Exam with the CTE department or for additional information, refer to Board Policy 4235 at