Nutrition and Foods Associate in Arts Degree

Division: Natural Sciences


The Nutrition and Foods Associate in Arts Degree includes coursework that is applicable to a transfer program at selected universities and colleges in the field of Dietetics, Food and Nutrition. Within the field of Nutrition and Foods, professionals work in healthcare, education and research, business and industry. Careers are also available in government agencies, food service management, fitness, food companies and in private practice. This degree requires completion of 23-28 units, of which 6 units are in required courses, 9-12 units are in Nutrition and Foods electives, and 8-10 units are in restricted electives, in addition to other graduation requirements.

Required Courses (6 units)
FOOD 102 F Introduction to Foods (formerly FOOD 101AF)3
NUTR 210 FHuman Nutrition3
or NUTR 210HF Honors Human Nutrition
Nutrition and Foods Electives (9-12 units)9-12
Food Safety and Sanitation3
Food Service Management3
Cultural Aspects of Food3
Foods for Fitness (formerly FOOD 060 F)2
Vegetarian Cooking and Nutrition (formerly FOOD 070 F)2
Careers in Nutrition and Foods2
Sports Nutrition3
Introduction to Medical Nutrition Therapy3
Nutrition and Foods Internship2-4
Restricted Electives (8-10 units)8-10
General Human Anatomy4
Human Physiology5
General Chemistry I5
General Chemistry II5
General Microbiology5
Introductory Probability and Statistics4-5
Honors Introductory Probability and Statistics
Introductory Probability and Statistics with Support
Elementary Statistics for Behavioral Science
Honors Elementary Statistics for Behavioral Science
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Total Units23-28

Outcome 1: Apply critical thinking skills to identify and evaluate evidence-based nutrition and foods information and practices.

Outcome 2: Apply scientific principles and dietary planning strategies to promote optimal health.