ECE Preschool Teacher

NOCE Early Childhood Education Mapping

Certificate of Completion 

Program Code: 3P40951

The Early Childhood Education (ECE) Preschool Teacher certificate is designed, as the second level in a series of certificate options, to prepare students for entry into childcare and education support in a variety of state licensed facilities including preschool and childcare center. Students can be expected to learn the following: developmental stages of children from prenatal to middle childhood, sociological relationships between family and society, health and safe practice in a child care setting, skills and knowledge needed for developing emergency plans and responding to health, and examination of the history, basic principles, philosophies of various types of early childhood programs and an overview of knowledge and skills related to developing and providing appropriate curriculum and environments for young children. With a solid foundation in the core areas of early childhood education, students will be well prepared to meet the demands in caring for young children. Students completing these courses will meet the requirements of the Department of Social Services to work in a licensed private preschool or childcare center as a fully qualified preschool teacher.

 To earn a certificate, students complete the required and elective courses as listed with a grade of P (pass). The exception is for WFPR 100 Career Skills and Resource Lab and/or WFPR 101 Virtual Career Skills and Resource Lab courses. If those courses are required or listed as an elective, students will not receive a grade and instead must complete at least 36 hours in either WFPR 100 Career Skills and Resource Lab or WFPR 101 Virtual Career Skills and Resource Lab. For programs/courses that allow credit for prior learning, at least 75% of all course work must be completed at North Orange Continuing Education. (Contact the CTE Office to learn more about which courses offer credit for prior learning).

Core Courses (Required 278 hours)
ECED 100 Early Childhood Development54
ECED 105 Family and Community Relationships36
ECED 120 Curriculum for Early Childhood Education, Introduction54
ECED 115 Child Health and Safety36
ECED 110 Early Childhood Education, Principles and Practice54
ECED 205 Children with Special Needs36
Elective Courses (Required 36 Hours)
Must choose one of six courses:36
Language Arts and Literacy in Early Childhood36
Early Childhood Education, Music and Movement36
Early Childhood Education, Science and Math36
Early Childhood Education, Creative Experiences36
Career Skills and Resource Lab36
Virtual Career Skills and Resource Lab
Total Hours306

Plan of Study

First Year
Semester 1HoursSemester 2Hours
ECED 10054ECED 11054
ECED 10536ECED 20536
ECED 12054ECED 215, 225, 200, 220, WFPR 100, or WFPR 101 (Electives Courses - Must Choose 1)36
ECED 11536 
 180 126
Total Hours 306

List of Courses

ECED 100 54 Hours Early Childhood Development

An introduction to the developmental stages of children from prenatal to middle childhood with emphasis on the physical, cognitive, language and social/emotional milestones. Application of developmental and learning theories addressed. This course is part of a program approved by the California Department of Social Services for employment in private facilities. (Apportionment)

ECED 105 36 Hours Family and Community Relationships

Examination of the sociological relationships between family and society; institutional, racial, social, and economical factors affecting the family and the child. Textbook required. This course is part of a program approved by the California Department of Social Services for employment in private facilities. (Apportionment)

ECED 110 54 Hours Early Childhood Education, Principles and Practice

Course examines the history, basic principles, and philosophies of various types of early childhood programs, emphasizing the role of the adult and characteristics of quality programs. This course is part of a program approved by the California Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing, for employment in private facilities only. Textbook required. This course is part of a program approved by the California Department of Social Services for employment in private facilities. (Apportionment)

ECED 115 36 Hours Child Health and Safety

For teachers and directors of pre-schools, this course will focus on the skills and knowledge needed for developing emergency plans and responding to health and safety issues in the classroom. Textbook required. This course is part of a program approved by the California Department of Social Services for employment in private facilities. (Apportionment)

ECED 120 54 Hours Curriculum for Early Childhood Education, Introduction

Prerequisite(s): ECED 100: Early Childhood Development.

This course provides the foundation for curriculum planning, implementation, observation, assessment and evaluation. Emphasis includes modalities, learning styles, environments, activities, schedules, routines and adaptations to facilitate learning for all children. This course is part of a program approved by the California Department of Social Services for employment in private facilities. Textbook required. This course is part of a program approved by the California Department of Social Services for employment in private facilities. (Apportionment)

ECED 200 36 Hours Early Childhood Education, Science and Math

Plan, organize and implement activities that help children develop skills, appreciation and enthusiasm for science and math. Textbook Required. This course is part of a program approved by the California Department of Social Services for employment in private facilities. (Apportionment)

ECED 205 36 Hours Children with Special Needs

This course offers a broad study of children with special needs and early childhood education as it relates to inclusion. This course covers federal and state laws and regulations, terminology and definitions, appropriate practices and intervention. This course is part of a program approved by Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing. This course is part of a program approved by the California Department of Social Services for employment in private facilities. (Apportionment)

ECED 215 36 Hours Language Arts and Literacy in Early Childhood

This course examines the teacher's role in promoting and facilitating children's emerging literacy and language development through the use of storytelling, books, songs, flannel board stories and puppetry. This course is part of a program approved by the California Department of Social Services, for employment in a private facility. (Apportionment)

ECED 220 36 Hours Early Childhood Education, Creative Experiences

In this course, students explore and experience how developmentally appropriate creative experiences can enhance children's learning while developing fine motor, creative expression and problem-solving skills. This course is part of a program approved by the California Department of Social Services for employment in private facilities. (Apportionment)

ECED 225 36 Hours Early Childhood Education, Music and Movement

Explores areas of music and movement appropriate to a child's development through participating and experimenting. Textbook Required. This course is part of a program approved by the California Department of Social Services for employment in private facilities. (Apportionment)

WFPR 100 18-180 Hours Career Skills and Resource Lab

Free, flexible scheduling to complete and receive help on homework and training on computer, industry related and employability skills. (Apportionment)

WFPR 101 36 Hours Virtual Career Skills and Resource Lab

Lab designed for online students to have access to seminars, assistance, and resources related to Career Technical Education and/or employment skills. (Apportionment)