ESL Specialty Courses, Intermediate to Advanced

Certificate of Competency

Program #3P44169

This is a focused language certificate program for English as a Second Language (ESL) Intermediate to Advanced students. The program has one required course (ESL Student Support Center) and at least one elective course:  ESL Skill Building Intermediate to Advanced; ESL Reading Skills Intermediate to Advanced; ESL Writing Skills Intermediate to Advanced; ESL Grammar Review Intermediate to Advanced; ESL Speaking Skills Intermediate to Advanced; ESL Vocabulary Review Intermediate to Advanced; ESL and Computer Skills Intermediate to Advanced; American Idioms Intermediate Advanced or ESL & the Arts. Students can choose the area of focus based on their personal goals and needs. The ESL Student Support Center offers an opportunity to practice English through various instructional media. Students learn through ESL software and/or receive individual and group tutoring to improve their speaking listening reading and writing skills.

Required Core Courses (12 Hours)
ESLA 001 ESL Student Support Center12
Required Elective Course (36-180 Hours)
Must complete one of the following courses:36-180
ESL Skill Building, Intermediate to Advanced180
ESL Reading Skills, Intermediate to Advanced36
ESL Writing Skills, Intermediate to Advanced36
ESL Grammar Review, Intermediate - Advanced36
ESL Speaking Skills, Intermediate to Advanced36
ESL Vocabulary Review, Intermediate - Advanced36
ESL and Computer Skills, Intermediate to Advanced36
American Idioms, Intermediate-Advanced36
ESL and the Arts36
Total Hours48-192

Plan of Study

First Year
First SemesterHours
ESLA 00112
ESLA 181, 183, 186, 211, 223, 226, 251, 804, or 81536-180
Total Hours 48-192


First Year
First SemesterHoursSecond SemesterHours
ESLA 00112ESLA 181, 183, 186, 211, 223, 226, 251, 804, or 815 (Elective Course - Must complete 1 of 9 courses)36-180
 12 36-180
Total Hours 48-192

List of Courses 

ESLA 001 1-200 Hours ESL Student Support Center

The ESL Student Support Center provides supplemental English instruction through individual and small group learning. Students can attend instructor-led workshops, focusing on targeted language skills, including conversation and pronunciation, grammar review, and reading and writing strategies. Students are provided opportunities to develop digital literacy skills, practicing English through instructional technology. (Apportionment)

ESLA 181 36-72 Hours ESL Reading Skills, Intermediate to Advanced

This ESL course emphasizes reading comprehension skills while building vocabulary and critical thinking skills for students who are at an intermediate level or higher. (Apportionment)

ESLA 183 36-72 Hours ESL Speaking Skills, Intermediate to Advanced

This course is designed to help English language learners at the intermediate to advanced level develop and build accuracy and fluency in speaking. The class will focus on different types of spoken language, conversation strategies, pronunciation skills and everyday speaking situations. (Apportionment)

ESLA 186 36-72 Hours ESL Writing Skills, Intermediate to Advanced

This ESL course will acquaint intermediate to advanced students with writing techniques by focusing on pre-writing, outlining, drafting, revising and editing. (Apportionment)

ESLA 211 180 Hours ESL Skill Building, Intermediate to Advanced

The course content is relevant to the lives of students. It integrates language functions and language forms with informational sources, skills and topics. Course topics will include the process and skills needed to seek employment as well as norms in the American workforce. The course will also cover planning, traveling and finances as skills needed to function in society. Students will use the above topics to build on reading comprehension, vocabulary, listening, speaking, writing and technology skills in an online environment. Students will be required to attend an orientation and take the CASAS assessment on campus. (Apportionment)

ESLA 223 36-84 Hours ESL Grammar Review, Intermediate - Advanced

This course will teach the meanings and usages of advanced English grammar structures that are frequently used in everyday situations. Students will learn how to apply grammar rules in oral and written communication. This class supplements core ESL courses and is designed for ESL students placed in the intermediate and advanced levels. (Apportionment)

ESLA 251 36-72 Hours American Idioms, Intermediate-Advanced

This course aims at developing language skills through the use of common North American English idioms and expressions. Productive skills (i.e., speaking and writting) are emphasized by sharing daily life experiences. (Apportionment)

ESLA 804 36 Hours ESL and the Arts

This course builds students' reading comprehension, writing, and speaking skills in the context of thematic and aesthetic exploration of arts. Students will identify common artistic themes while comparing and contrasting a variety of aesthetic forms, styles, and periods. This interactive course includes visiting museums, watching performances, and listening to guest speakers. (Apportionment)

ESLA 815 36 Hours ESL and Computer Skills, Intermediate to Advanced

Students will enhance their English language skills through challenging computer application tasks using MS Word, PowerPoint, Print Shop, Excel, the Internet, and MS Publisher. Emphasis is on building confidence in independent projects to improve English skills in grammar, vocabulary, writing, and reading. Students will be actively involved in computer projects linking the academic environment with their communities. (Apportionment)