Summary Suspension

When serious violations of college regulation or procedures occur as a result of inappropriate student conduct, the college shall take immediate action (summary suspension) to resolve the problem. The action may occur as follows:

  1. Removal from Class — the involuntary removal of a student from class by an instructor for a maximum period of two consecutive class sessions.
  2. Removal from Facility — the involuntary removal of a student by an administrator from a District or College facility, or facility under the control of the District or College for a maximum period of two consecutive days.
  3. Withdrawal of Consent to Remain on Campus — withdrawal of consent by the President or the President’s designee for a student or other person to remain on a College campus in accordance with California Penal Code section 626.4 where the College President has reasonable cause to believe that the student has willfully disrupted the orderly operation of the campus.


Expulsion — The involuntary removal of a student from the District and all District programs for one or more terms, or permanently, by action of the Board of Trustees.

Formal Hearing — A hearing conducted before a hearing officer or hearing panel in accordance with administrative procedures during which the student and the District may call and examine witnesses and present documentary evidence.

Formal Complaint — This procedure is recommended for general serious or ongoing complaints or concerns regarding Fullerton College faculty, staff, services, instruction and/or classes. Any and all should be addressed as soon as the issue arises. Grade appeals follow the Grade Appeal Process. The student should refer to the Fullerton College Catalog for the specific processes for these exceptions: student-to-student conduct, grade appeal and sexual harassment.

Informal Hearing — A meeting between the student and the Student Discipline Officer or designee in accordance with administrative procedures to discuss the charges and provide the student with the opportunity to respond to the charges orally, or in writing.

Informal Complaint — Informal concerns of a non-serious nature may be reported to the appropriate Dean. Such complaints will be reviewed and considered; however, no formal response will be provided.

Suspension — The involuntary removal of a student for good cause from one or more classes or from the college by the President or designee for a limited period of time, which can be short-term or long-term suspension (up to ten consecutive days).

Removal from Class — The involuntary removal of a student from class by an Instructor for a maximum period of two consecutive class sessions.

Removal from Facility — The involuntary removal of a student by an administrator from a District or College facility, or facility under the control of the District or College, for a maximum period of two consecutive days.

Disciplinary Probation — A status between good standing and suspension or expulsion. It covers a stated trial period and disciplinary conditions required of the student. At the end of the trial period, it shall be determined, based on whether or not the probationary conditions have been met, if the student is to be returned to good standing, suspended, recommended for expulsion, or subject to other disciplinary action.

Loss of Privileges — Disciplinary action involving the loss of certain student privileges, such as eligibility to participate in extracurricular activities, for a stated period of time.

Formal Reprimand — Written admonition or warning to cease and desist from conduct that has been determined to violate the standards of student conduct. A formal reprimand becomes part of a student’s permanent record and is considered in the event of future violations of the standards of student conduct.

Informal Reprimand — An oral admonition or warning to cease and desist from conduct that has been determined to violate the standards of student conduct. A record of the fact that an informal reprimand has been issued may be retained as part of a student’s record for a period of up to one year and is considered in the event of future violations of the standards of student conduct during the period of retention. It is the student’s responsibility to request that the record be removed upon expiration of the period of retention.

Withdrawal of Consent to Remain on Campus — Withdrawal of consent by the President or the President’s designee for a student or other person to remain on a College campus in accordance with California Penal Code section 626.4 where the College President has reasonable cause to believe that the student has willfully disrupted the orderly operation of the campus.