Withholding Student Records

NOCCCD BOARD POLICY Section 5035 Student Personnel, Withholding Student Records, Adopted 6/14/05

Probable Cause: The President, or designee, may place a hold on a former or current student’s registration, grades and/or transcripts for a period of no more than three working days for probable cause. In the event that the President, or designee, continues this hold on a student’s records, the student must be informed in writing that such a hold is being placed on his/her record and the reason for that hold.

Financial Obligations: In accordance with Title 5, Subchapter 7.5, Section 59410, grades, transcripts, diplomas, and registration privileges, or any combination thereof, shall be withheld from any student or former student who has been provided with written notice that he or she has failed to pay a proper financial obligation due to the district or a college. Any item or items withheld shall be released when the student satisfactorily meets the financial obligation.

The definition of proper financial obligation shall include, but is not limited to: student fees; obligations incurred through the use of facilities, equipment or materials; library fines; unreturned library books; materials remaining improperly in the possession of the student; and/or any other unpaid obligation a student or former student owes to the District. A proper financial obligation does not include any unpaid obligation to a student organization.

A hold may be placed on a student’s academic record and subsequent term registration when the student has an outstanding obligation to the college. Once the student satisfies the obligation, the hold will be released.

Students must contact the respective office/department listed below to clear any hold:

Hold Type Office to Contact
Accounts Receivable Bursar
Admissions Info Required Admissions and Records
Bursar's Hold Bursar
Disciplinary Student Support Services
Financial Aid Financial Aid
Foundation Foundation Office
International Student International Student Center
Library Materials/Fees Library
Physical Education Physical Education
Registrar's Hold Admissions and Records
Scholastic Dismissal Admissions and Records
Special Admit Form Admissions and Records
Transcript Admissions and Records
Unpaid Balance Admissions and Records