Basic Skills

ABED 105 36-150 Hours NOCE Learning Center

Designed for students from beginning levels of reading and mathematics to those needing support for higher education. Through the use of small-group instruction, computer-aided instruction, audio books and workbooks, students will become better readers, writers and thinkers. Students may also improve their skills in mathematics. Skills attained can be used for personal growth, job advancement or for entry into other educational programs. Learning plans will be developed for each students based on student goals, needs and learning style. (Apportionment)

ABED 106 72 Hours Literacy and Basic Skills Beginning

Designed for emergent readers or students with very limited reading, writing, and math skills. The focus of the course is on decoding skills, fluency, and workplace literacy. Sight words and essential word reading are covered. (Apportionment)

ABED 107 36-150 Hours Literacy & Basic Skills Intermediate

This course reviews reading for information and academic vocabulary; writing skills necessary for higher education and the workplace, such as essays, note-taking and business writing; including understanding the general principles at work. (Apportionment)

ABED 405 72 Hours GED/HiSET: Mathematics

GED/HiSET mathematics prepares students to pass the math section of the GED/HiSET test. The GED/HiSET pre-test identifies needed areas of instruction for each student. Scope of instruction is basic computation, analytical and reasoning skills, word problems and word problems with graphics. (Apportionment)

ABED 406 72 Hours GED/HiSET: Reading

GED/HiSET reading prepares students to pass the reading section of the GED test. The GED/HiSET pre-test identifies needed areas of instruction for each student. Scope of instruction includes comprehension, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama. (Apportionment)

ABED 407 72 Hours GED/HiSET: Science

GED/HiSET science prepares students to pass the science section of the GED/HiSET test. Sciences covered are life, physical, earth and space. Students learn to analyze and apply science information. (Apportionment)

ABED 408 72 Hours GED/HiSET: Social Studies

GED/HiSET social studies prepares students to pass the social studies section of the GED/HiSET test. The GED/HiSET pre-test identifies needed areas of instruction for each student. Scope of course covers U.S. history, world history, civics and government, geography and economics. (Apportionment)

ABED 409 72 Hours GED/HiSET: Language Arts and Writing

GED/HiSET writing prepares students to pass the language arts and writing section of the GED/HiSET test. The GED/HiSET pre-test identifies needed areas of instruction for each student. This course covers the writing process, grammar usage and mechanics. (Apportionment)