Communication Studies (COMM)

COMM 050 C Effective Communication 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. The course is designed to teach students effective communication techniques in everyday situations. Emphasis is placed on developing communication skills in a variety of settings including interviewing, resume building, public speaking and working in small groups. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (AA GE)

COMM 098 C Communication Seminar 5-12 Units

Term hours: 0-216 lecture and 0-432 laboratory depending on units attempted. This seminar course is for able students who wish to extend their knowledge of literature, language, and culture through small groups discussion. Fee may be required - Payable at Registration. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option.

COMM 100 C Human Communication 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course is an introduction to the fundamentals and principles which underlie effective speech communication. Practical experience, emphasizing content, organization and delivery, will be required in at least three speaking situations, specifically including persuasive and informative speaking. Duplicate credit not granted for COMM 100HC. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC, C-ID: COMM 110)

COMM 100HC Honors Human Communication 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This Honors-enhanced course will introduce students to fundamentals and advanced principles which underlie effective speech communication and will offer an overview of the disciplinary field of speech communication. Enhanced practical applications, emphasizing content, organization, and delivery will be required in at least four speaking situations, specifically including persuasive and informative speaking. Principles of rhetorical criticism will also be studied. Duplicate credit not granted for COMM 100 C. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC, C-ID: COMM 110)

COMM 105 C Interpersonal Communication 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. The purpose of this course is to improve the students' understanding and the ability to deal effectively with people. Major theories in the field of interpersonal communication will be studied so the student can develop a basic understanding of relationship theories and also acquire skills for self-improvement within their own relationships. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, simulation experiments, and small group activities. No formal speeches required. (UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC, C-ID: COMM 130)

COMM 110 C Mediated Oral Communication 3 Units

Term hours: 54 Lecture. This course examines theories of communication in terms of computer-mediated communication (CMC), and how new technologies impact oral performances, interpersonal relationships, group communication, language, identities, and social structures. Students will learn about the digital networked era, which is based on consuming ever-increasing content. We will examine how different types of CMC technologies such as e-mail, instant messaging, video conferencing, twitter and social network sites affect communication processes. Students will develop a better sense of how knowledge, information, and power changes on the web and become aware of their own personal change. Students will engage the web as critical writers and readers in order to move past being simply consumers and empower them in this digital networked era. Practical experience, emphasizing content, organization and delivery, will be required in at least three speaking situations, specifically including persuasive and informative speaking. Public speaking assignments will be completed in a computer mediated platform such as Zoom. Speaking assignments may be performed asynchronously and submitted via recording or other mediated format. (UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC)

COMM 120 C Intercultural Communication 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course focuses on the cultural and social variables, communication theories and practices, and communicative styles that affect the communication process between members of different cultures. It includes an assessment of both the communication that occurs between members of different cultures and on methods and techniques of adapting communication. (CSU/UC, CSU GE, AA GE, IGETC, SOC JUST, C-ID: COMM 150)

COMM 124 C Small Group Communication 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course is an introduction to theoretical and applied concepts in small group communication through participation and observation, analysis, and evaluation of group processes. Elements of small group behavior to be studied include leadership, roles, norms, networks, conflict and cohesion needs and problem-solving decision making. (CSU/UC, C-ID: COMM 140)

COMM 135 C Argument and Critical Thinking 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ENGL 100 C, or ENGL 100HC, or ENGL 101 C, or ESL 110 C.

Term hours: 54 Lecture. This course focuses on the development of critical thinking skills in oral and written communication and includes a discussion of the relationship between argumentation and advocacy in oral and written form. A significant component involves written argumentation with special attention to the essay form. Emphasis is placed on argumentation theory, logic, inductive and deductive reasoning, analysis of issues, evidence, fallacies, refutation, argument construction and language usage. (UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE, C-ID:COMM 120)

COMM 138 C Forensics 1-2 Units

Term hours: 18 lecture and 18-54 laboratory. This course is designed to prepare students to participate in intercollegiate speech competition. Practical experience, emphasizing content, organization and delivery will be offered in debate, persuasive speaking, informative speaking, extemporaneous speaking, impromptu speaking and oral interpretation. This course must be taken for 2 semesters, for a total of 3 units, to fulfill the CSU A3 Critical Thinking Requirement. Open Entry -- Open Exit. (CSU, CSU GE, C-ID:COMM 160 B)

COMM 170 C Oral Interpretation of Lit 3 Units

Term hours: 54 Lecture. This course is an introduction to performance studies/oral interpretation of literature. Students will engage in critical analysis, appreciation, and application of theories of interpretive performance of various genres of literature including poetry, prose, drama, and readers theater. Students will learn to evaluate, analyze, edit, and creatively perform selections of literature for an audience. Emphasis will be placed on the techniques of exploring, illuminating, and orally presenting the logical, emotional, and aesthetic meanings of literature. Field trips may be required. (UC/CSU, AA GE, C-ID: COMM 170)

COMM 220 C The Rhetoric of the City 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course will examine the communicative meanings found in the culture, environment, history and social structure of a specific city. Students will be exposed to an interdisciplinary focus on a specific city and will examine the communicative interrelationship between the city and its populace. Duplicate credit not granted for COMM 220HC. (UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC)

COMM 220HC Honors Rhetoric of the City 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This Honors-enhanced course will be conducted as a seminar. This course will examine the communicative meanings found in the culture, environment, history and social structure of a specific city. Students will be exposed to an interdisciplinary focus on a specific city and will examine the communicative interrelationships between the city and its populace. Duplicate credit will not be granted for COMM 220 C. (CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

COMM 238 C Forensics 1-2 Units

Term hours: 18 lecture and 18-54 laboratory. This course is designed to prepare students to participate in intercollegiate speech competition. Practical experience, emphasizing content, organization and delivery will be offered in debate, persuasive speaking, informative speaking, extemporaneous speaking, impromptu speaking and oral interpretation. This course must be taken for 2 semesters ,for a total of 3 units, to fulfill the CSU A3 Critical Thinking Requirement. Open Entry -- Open Exit. (CSU, CSU GE, C-ID:COMM 160 B)

COMM 298 C Communication Studies Seminar 0.5-12 Units

Prerequisite(s): May be required.

Corequisite(s): May be required.

Advisory: May be required.

Term hours: 0-216 lecture and 0-432 laboratory depending on units attempted. This seminar course is for able students who wish to extend their knowledge of literature, language, and culture through small group discussion. Fee may be required - Payable at Registration. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade Option. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU)

COMM 299 C  Communication Independent Study 0.5-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Approved Independent Study Learning Contract.

Term hours: 9-36 conference depending on units attempted. This course is for able students who wish to increase their knowledge of speech/communication language through individual study or research. May be taken for credit 3 times. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU)

COMM 340 C Communication for Health Svs 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ENGL 100 C or ENGL 100HC or ENGL 101 C or ESL 110 C, with a grade of C or better.

Advisory: COMM 100 C or COMM 100HC.

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course provides an integrative overview of communication for students in Mortuary Science. This course is designed to introduce students to advanced theories and principles of communication and to provide practical applications of those concepts. The course focuses on an in-depth utilization of those concepts in various communication settings.