Health Science (HS)

HS 030 C Calculations for Medications 1 Unit

Advisory: Students should consider this course if they are eligible for admission to the nursing program or psychiatric technician program and/or have had challenges on the math section of the entrance exam, or are in need of updating of math/medication computation skills or MATH 010 C.

Term hours: 18 lecture. This course covers basic math skills, measurement systems and calculation methods involved in safe medication administration to patients. Calculations with decimals, fractions, metric, apothecary, and household systems of measurement will be covered. Ratio and proportion will be used to calculate non-parenteral, parenteral and intravenous infusion dosages/rates. The course will include individual and group experiences with use of a workbook, computer software tutorials, and on-line resources. Non-Degree Credit. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option.

HS 050 C Preparation for Health Science 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course is designed for students interested in a health science career. The communication, reading and mathematical skills of students will be developed in relation to the various career needs. Remedial and introductory material necessary to enter and complete a Health Science Program are emphasized. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option.

HS 066 C Selected Topics for NURS 297 C 0.5-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Acceptance in the Nursing Program

Term hours: 9-36 lecture. This course correlates with NURS 297 C. Students will recall and build upon the curricular concepts learning in preceding nursing courses of patient centered care, safety, oxygenation, regulation and movement using teamwork and collaboration, professionalism, evidence based practice, quality improvement and informatics, to apply the nursing process and provide effective care to promote synthesis and competence necessary for entry into practice. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option.

HS 070 C Health Care Communication 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: ESL 184 C

Term hours: 27-54 laboratory. This course is designed for the non-native speaker to help foster open written and oral communication within the inter-professional team and enhance safe quality patient centered care. Individualized instruction that correlates with the co-enrolled healthcare course of study will be taught. This course is open to students enrolled in any Health Science course or waiting to be re-admitted to a Health Science program. May be taken for credit 4 times. Open Entry/Open Exit. Pass/No Pass

HS 076 C CPR for Health Care Providers 1 Unit

Term hours: 18 lecture. Basic life support "C" certification is required for health care providers. This course prepares the student with knowledge and skills required to perform adult one-rescuer CPR, adult two-rescuer CPR, pediatric one-rescuer CPR, child two-rescuer CPR, adult foreign body airway management and pediatric foreign body airway management. (The American Heart Association charges a fee for the "C" certification card). Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option.

HS 077 C CPR Recertification 0.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): Course in Basic Life Support with "C" Certification

Term hours: 9 lecture. Current BLS "C" certification is required for health care workers when providing direct patient care. This course prepares the student with current knowledge and skills required to obtain a recertification card from the American Heart Association. (The American Heart Association charges a fee for the recertification card). May be taken for credit 4 times. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option.

HS 080 C  Selected Topics in Nursing and Allied Health 0.5-8 Units

Term hours: 9-144 lecture depending on units attempted. This course is designed to meet the nursing and allied health science student need for current topics and issues, updated information in health care review of specialized subject matter, and/or preparation for health related licensure and certification exams. Content will emphasize clinical application of theoretical principles in the discipline. Computer software, videotapes, resource materials, instructor assessment of individual student knowledge and skills will be utilized. May be taken for credit 10 times. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option.

HS 099 C  Health Science Independent Study 0.5-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Approved Independent Study Learning Contract

Term hours: Lecture hours vary according to credit given. This course is designed for students interested in health science programs who wish to increase their knowledge and experience in applied areas. Students will participate in independent study on assigned areas under staff supervision. May be taken for credit 4 times. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option.

HS 145 C Survey of Medical Terminology 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course includes fundamentals of word analysis, roots, prefixes and suffixes in an orientation to the body as a whole. A survey of medical terminology of the following body systems includes: skin and breast, musculoskeletal, neurological/psychiatric, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, genitourinary, prenatal, maternal, endocrine, and special senses. Anatomical and physiologic terminology, combining forms, diagnostic terms, clinical and surgical procedures, laboratory tests and abbreviations are included. A basic requirement for most career opportunities in the allied health occupations and in the court systems is the comprehension of medical terminology. (CSU)

HS 147 C Survey of Disease 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): HS 145 C and BIOL 210 C or BIOL 231 C or BIOL 241 C, with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course is a comprehensive survey of pathophysiology focusing on how diseases affect human body function along with diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. It includes chronic and degenerative diseases; cardiac, respiratory, hematologic, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, genitourinary and reproductive system disorders; genetic disorders; infectious diseases; neoplasia; and fluid, electrolyte and acid-base imbalance disorders. (UC/CSU)

HS 161 C  Dying and Death - Grief and Mourning (same as HSCE 161 C) 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course is designed to assist individuals in such areas as personal death anxiety and working/living with the terminally ill person. Discussion includes special concerns such as how to handle typical grief reactions, special types of death or loss, hospice, and other related topics. (CSU)

HS 165 C Ethical and Legal Issues 1.5 Units

Term hours: 27 lecture. This course will focus on making ethical choices in health care. An introduction to legal terminology, concepts, and principles will be presented. Topics include misconduct, malpractice, legal and professional standards and the scope of practice. The importance of proper documentation and informed consent is emphasized. The student will examine a variety of ethical issues and dilemmas found in clinical practice. The rights and responsibilities of patients and health care professionals will be examined. (CSU)

HS 168 C Patient Care Skills - Open Lab 0.5-3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Current first year Health Science program student or re-entry students needing remedial assistance, or health care professional seeking an environment to practice basic health science skills.

Advisory: BIOL 241 C, BIOL 220 C, BIOL 231 C and ENGL 100 C or ENGL 101 C or ESL 110 C.

. Term hours: 27-162 laboratory depending on units attempted. This open-entry, open-exit course with flexible hours and variable units allows self-paced individualized instruction and/or practice in basic patient centered care skills with Health Science faculty supervision. The course provides students with space, equipment and resources needed to learn skills and apply theory surrounding patient safety, oxygenation, regulation and movement with teamwork, collaboration, professionalism, evidence based practice and informatics to prepare for quality clinical experiences towards positive patient outcomes. $15 Material Fee-Payable at Registration. Course may be taken four times for credit. Open Entry/Open Exit. Pass/No Pass only. (CSU)

HS 268 C Patient Care Skills - Open Lab 0.5-3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Current second year Health Science Program student or approved re-entry students needing remedial assistance or current professional license related to a health science program.

Advisory: BIOL 241 C, BIOL 220 C, BIOL 231 C and ENGL 100 C or ENGL 101 C or ESL 110 C.

Term hours: 27-162 laboratory depending on units attempted. This open-entry, open-exit course with flexible hours and variable units allows self-paced individualized instruction and/or practice in advanced patient centered care skills with Health Science faculty supervision. The course provides students with space, equipment and resources needed to learn skills and apply theory surrounding patient safety, oxygenation, regulation and movement with teamwork, collaboration, professionalism, evidence based practice and informatics to prepare for quality clinical experiences towards positive patient outcomes. May be taken for credit 4 times. Open Entry/Open Exit. Pass/No Pass only. $15 materials fee payable at registration. (CSU)

HS 277 C Cultur Awareness Health Care 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course is designed to examine how cultural differences impact health care and health care delivery. The influence of multi-ethnic cultures on health care concepts, intervention, and the delivery of health care will be discussed. The course will emphasize communication, beliefs and customs, cultural rituals, ethical and legal implications and staff relations in our multi-ethnic health care system. The content focuses on expanding sensitivity to cultural diversity in health care and includes medical, social, and legal issues. (UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE, SOC JUST)

HS 361 C  Dying and Death and Grief and Mourning 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 C or SOC 101 C, with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course is designed for upper division baccalaureate degree students interested in developing their conceptual frameworks and cognitive theories about death, dying, and grief, and increasing affective development and sensitivity to issues concerning death, dying, and grief. Students will become aware and sensitized to their personal assumptions, biases, attitudes, and reactions to death, dying, and grief, while increasing death competency and lowering death anxiety in order to demonstrate increased sensitivity, awareness, and skills in coping with loss and bereavement, supporting others in their struggle to deal with death issues, and by finding meaning and personal growth through encounters with death, loss, and grief. Enrollment limited to those accepted into the baccalaureate degree pilot program.