Human Services (HUSR)

HUSR 084 C  Introduction to Behavior Modification 0.5 Units

Term hours: 9 lecture. This course is for individuals working in programs for developmentally disabled persons, as well as those interested in the field. It will cover basic information about behaviorally oriented work with such clients, including content on behavior modification, teaching methods and ways to encourage clients.

HUSR 200 C Introduction to Human Services 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course covers the history and philosophy of the human services; function and orientation of human services agencies and institutions; human services as careers; opportunities and qualifications at various entry levels of human services employment. (CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

HUSR 210 C Introductory Fieldwork 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): HUSR 200 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 16 lecture and 126 laboratory. This course offers observation and participation in the operations of human services agencies. The student will document 126 hours of supervised field study per semester and will attend one hour lecture per week. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option (CSU)

HUSR 211 C Advanced Fieldwork 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): HUSR 210 C Term hours: 16 lecture and 126 laboratory.

This course is the second of a two-semester sequence of volunteer or paid fieldwork experience. The student will apply values, concepts and skills of core human services courses to the actual process of helping people. Emphasis of this semester is on sharpening skills and knowledge gained in the introductory field experience. There is one hour of classroom experience per week. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option (CSU)

HUSR 214 C  Case Management and Documentation 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This introductory course familiarizes students to the basic concepts and skills of case management and documentation in the field of Human Services. This course focuses on the skills of case management in the context of needs assessment, documentation, referral, service planning, and service provision. (CSU)

HUSR 215 C Introduction to Family Studies 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course involves intergenerational family studies and related career exploration to introduce Human Services students to family issues and to skills, theories, and competencies needed to empower families for reaching their goals. Various family issues, family/worker relationships, strength-based assessments, resource referral/utilization, community service coordination, and family and worker stress management are covered. (CSU)

HUSR 221 C Crisis Intervention Referral 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course introduces techniques for beginning crisis counseling, including recognition of crisis, assessment of crisis, and referral to the appropriate crisis agency. Special attention will be given to the process of intervention and to the recording of information regarding problems with alcohol and other drugs. Participants will implement a variety of crisis skills through an experiential format. (CSU)

HUSR 222 C Group Leadership-Group Process 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course examines membership and leadership in a variety of groups, with emphasis on the total group process. An overview of the various types of groups will be given as well as the values and limitations of groups, cautions and risks of groups and common misconceptions about groups. The student will be offered experience as a group member and a group leader. (CSU)

HUSR 223 C Helping Skills-Human Services 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course involves identification and application of specific helping skills in intrapersonal and interpersonal relations. It is designed for persons in helping roles, professional and paraprofessional, or volunteers in Human Services. (CSU)

HUSR 224 C Self-Esteem Strategies 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course is designed for those considering a career in management and staff development in Human Services Agencies, with special application to client after-care programs. Theory and technique are combined in this skills class to assist case managers and program directors with assessment and evaluation, individual recovery program development, educational process and materials, and utilization of resources and referral procedures. This course focuses on issues of self-esteem, concept formation, problem solving, time management, emotional intelligence, and decision making for client and/or staff development. (CSU)

HUSR 225 C Families and Substance Abuse 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course presents the dynamics of the family system as they are affected by addiction. Theories of healthy and unhealthy family interaction are explored and the experiential format provides the opportunity for skill development and practical experience. (CSU)

HUSR 226 C Behavior Modification 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course includes both theory and practice in behavior modification principles. It teaches skills such as observing and recording behavior, uses of reinforcement, extinction, punishment, etc. Self-management techniques to assist in control of one's own behavior will also be discussed. Topics have wide application in any course of study and will require dealing effectively with others, or with more effective management of oneself. (CSU)

HUSR 240 C  Drugs and Alcohol in Our Society 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course provides an overview of the epidemiology and toxicology of substance abuse and its relevance to personal and public health. Students will be introduced to the concept of substance abuse and dependence, the definition of licit and illicit drugs, and the pharmacologic, neurologic and physiologic effects of selected substances on the human brain. Political, social and economic factors involved in the supply and demand for drugs will be discussed. Epidemiologic data on the prevalence, incidence, and trends of smoking, alcohol, prescription and other drug dependencies in the U.S. will be covered, as well as risk factors associated with the use and abuse of these substances. Current options for recovery and a survey of local resources will be reviewed. (CSU/UC, C-ID: PHS 103)

HUSR 241 C Intervention Strategies 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course will serve as an assessment and treatment approach to individuals having problems with alcohol and other drugs. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to basic theoretical approaches to the disease. Major emphasis will be on the philosophical and clinical approaches to treating the alcoholic and to promoting recovery. (CSU)

HUSR 242 C Drugs and Physiology 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course explores the effects of alcohol and other drugs on the body. It examines the physiology of alcohol in two areas: (1) physical effects of alcohol on the body, and (2) the physiological effects of the disease processes associated with heavy drinking. (CSU/C-ID: ADS 140 X)

HUSR 243 C Co-Occurring Disorders 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course will introduce the student to the treatment needs of those who have a psychiatric disorder in combination with a chemical dependency disorder. Students learn to identify and assess those with a dual diagnostic/co-occurring disorder. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (CSU)

HUSR 270 C Introduction to Victimology 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course responds to the emerging social concern regarding the cost of victimization to our society today. It provides education, information on existing resources, and direct participation in the creation and expansion of existing resources of treatment and recovery of victims and perpetrators. (CSU)

HUSR 271 C Society and Victimization 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course will provide an understanding of the social problems of victimization with in-depth focus on both perpetrator and victim. Specific issues will be explored including their genesis and specific methods of identifying issues regarding self-help and support activities from a clinical approach. (CSU)

HUSR 275 C  Ethical Issues in Human Services 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course presents the rules and standards governing the professional conduct of those working in Human Services Agencies. Issues of client/patient rights, confidentiality, physical and emotional abuse, and counselor/client relationships will be explored in great depth. (CSU, C-ID: ADS 160 X)

HUSR 281 C Prevention Strategies 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course will present the history, theories and current strategies for prevention of alcohol and drug problems and for reduction of harm caused by those with problems (harm reduction). Conceptual frameworks, major research, epidemiology, environmental risk factors and the effectiveness of various prevention strategies will be examined. (CSU)

HUSR 290 C  Human Services in Criminal Justice 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This experiential course will survey the historical, and philosophical aspects of criminal behavior and the functions and objectives of parole and probation. Students will examine the skill requirements, the major tasks and responsibilities, the role and function and the overall mission of the service provider in the criminal justice system. The judicial system and its relationship to the criminal offender will be examined as well as modern approaches in the control of crime. Resources for re-socializing the offender will be explored. (CSU)

HUSR 291 C Counseling in Criminal Justice 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course explores current theory and practice in the counseling of those in state prison treatment programs. Topics include an overview of the California Department of Corrections, the inmate classification system, specialized inmate management topics, violence and violence management strategies, victim awareness issues, the processes of addiction and recovery, an overview of assessment instruments, an exploration of sociopathy, and group counseling dynamics. (CSU)

HUSR 293 C Conflict Resolution-Mediation 3 Units

Course hours 54 lecture. This course examines the background, development and methodology of non-violent, non-litigious conflict resolution with emphasis on theory and the practice of mediation. This is a state certified course designed to train individuals to be effective in resolving conflict in the family, the community, the classroom and the workplace. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (CSU)

HUSR 294 C Careers in Criminal Justice 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course will provide the student with the opportunity to explore, in-depth, the breadth and scope of career opportunities in the field of criminal justice. Specific careers will be explored through guest speakers, field trips, on-site observations and mentoring opportunities. Students will gather knowledge and gain an appreciation for the criminal justice field as a result of this course. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (CSU)

HUSR 295 C Cross-Cultural Criminology 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course will explore cross-cultural customs and traditions from a criminal justice perspective. Specific cultures that are represented in significant numbers within the United States will be explored. Students will gather knowledge and gain an appreciation for the cross-cultural aspects within the field of criminal justice. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (CSU, SOC JUST)