Dental Hygiene (DH)

DH 100 C Intro to Dental Hygiene 1.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): Provisional acceptance into the Cypress College Dental Hygiene Program is required for registration in this course.

Term hours: 27 lecture and 18 laboratory. Introduction to the profession of dental hygiene. Emphasis on dental terminology, communication skills, legal and ethical aspects of dental hygiene practice and licensing requirements. An overview of dental hygiene clinical and lab technique including infection control, basic dental hygiene instrumentation, and examination of the head and neck. This is a prerequisite course for the Dental Hygiene Program. Pass/No Pass. $20.00 Material Fee-Payable at Registration. (CSU)

DH 101 C Dental Anatomy Morphology 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission to and enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program and all Dental Hygiene Program first semester courses.

Term hours: 36 lecture. This course presents a study in dental anatomy, morphology, and occlusion essential to the proper care of patients during the clinical dental hygiene process of care. An emphasis will be placed on the proper identification of oral and dental structures, the utilization of proper terminology, the recognition of normal occlusion in contrast to malocclusion and the clinical significance of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. (CSU)

DH 104 C Oral Health Assessment 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission to and enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program and all first semester courses.

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course is a multifaceted course that presents foundation information skills for the beginning student clinician to utilize daily in the direct patient dental hygiene process of care. Primarily, it is an introduction to the recognition, gathering and interpretation of assessment data as an aid to formulating electronic dental hygiene treatment plans. In addition, it provides the basics to dental disease prevention through the dissemination and application of existing dental health knowledge through instruction. (CSU)

DH 105 C  Oral Embryology and Histology (formerly DH 205 C) 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission to and enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program.

Term hours: 36 lecture. This course is an introduction to the microscopic characteristics of the tissues, histology, and embryology of the head and neck with an emphasis of the structure of the oral cavity. (CSU)

DH 106 C Radiology Tech-Hygienists 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission to and enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program and all Dental Hygiene Program first semester courses.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory. This course for dental hygiene students includes didactic and preclinical instruction in the essentials of dental radiography. Lecture emphasizes the technical aspects of radiation production, protection against the hazards of radiation, and utilization of radiographs during patient care. The laboratory provides demonstrations and practical application in the fundamentals of intraoral and extraoral radiographic techniques, processing, mounting and identification of normal anatomical landmarks. $123 materials fee payable at registration. (CSU)

DH 109 C Pre-Clinical Dental Hygiene 5 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission to and enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program and all first semester courses.

Term hours: 54 lecture and 108 laboratory. This is the first in a series of four courses designed to prepare the student for the clinical dental hygiene process of care. Content emphasis includes bloodborne and infectious disease exposure, care and operation of dental equipment, identification, purpose and function of basic instrumentation skills, instrument sharpening, polishing agents and methods, topical fluoride application, entry level clinic electronic forms and procedures, clinic duties, and clinical practice utilizing examination procedures and basic instrumentation techniques on student patient partners and periodontal typodonts/manikins. $68 materials fee payable at registration. (CSU)

DH 110 C Clinical Dental Hygiene 7 Units

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program and successful completion of all first semester courses.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory and 216 clinical hours. This is the second in a series of four courses designed to prepare the student for clinical dental hygiene process of care. Emphasis is placed on perfecting oral inspection and medical/dental health history documentation, and developing dental hygiene process of care treatment plans, and electronic charting. Additional course content includes: introduction to universal and Gracey curette instrumentation, sickle scaler, sharpening techniques, root debridement techniques, oral and subgingival irrigation, gingival curettage, introduction to ultrasonic instrumentation, AIRFLOW, root desensitizing, ACTEON camera, Enterprise dental software. Clinical skills will be demonstrated and evaluated on clinical patients appointed in the Cypress College Dental Hygiene Clinic. Materials Fee $149-Payable at Registration (CSU).

DH 112 C  Head and Neck Anatomy (formerly DH 212 C) 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program and successful completion of first semester courses.

Term hours: 36 lecture. This course is a study of the gross and anatomical structures of the head and neck. The relationship and function of the organs of the head and neck in the human body are studied, with an emphasis on structures and innervations of the oral cavity. (CSU)

DH 113 C General and Oral Pathology 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program and successful completion of all first semester courses.

Term hours: 36 lecture. This course introduces students to concepts of oral pathology and specific pathologic processes, including inflammatory and immunologic defenses, as well as neoplastic, metabolic, inherited and developmental disturbances. A summary of each condition is presented and includes information to aid the Dental Hygienist in developing a clinically useful differential assessment. (CSU)

DH 116 C Dental Materials - Hygienists 2.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program and successful completion of all first semester courses.

Term hours: 27 lecture and 72 laboratory. This course is designed to provide the student with a study of structure, chemical and physical properties, and manipulation of materials used in dentistry will be covered. Laboratory application of dental materials and the relationship of dental materials to the oral environment is included. Emphasis will be placed on specific materials and functions delegated to the dental hygienist by the Dental Board of California and Dental Hygiene Board of California. $102 materials fee payable at registration. (CSU)

DH 125 C Perio Pathology and Therapy 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program and successful completion of all first semester dental hygiene courses.

Term hours: 36 lecture. This course is designed to provide the dental hygiene student with current theory in periodontics. The healthy periodontium as well as the diseased states will be explored. New surgical concepts and techniques in periodontics will be discussed. The management of periodontics in clinical treatment and dental hygiene process of care will be emphasized. (CSU)

DH 148 C  Infection and Hazard Control and Medical and Dental Emergencies Management (formerly DH 248 C) 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission to and enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program.

Term hours: 36 lecture. This course will provide the student with the basic principles in management of infection and hazard control and medical and dental emergencies in the dental care setting. Infection control content includes bloodborne and infectious disease exposure, application of universal precautions, OSHA, and CDC guidelines as it pertains in oral health care services to patients. In addition, basic knowledge and skills related to preparedness for the prevention of medical emergencies, clinical signs and symptoms, and emergency treatment of the condition will be included in this course. (CSU)

DH 205 C Oral Embryology and Histology 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission to and enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory. This course is an introduction to the microscopic characteristics of the tissues, histology, and embryology of the head and neck with an emphasis of the structure of the oral cavity. (CSU)

DH 220 C Clinical Dental Hygiene 6.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program and successful completion of all second semester courses.

Term hours: 27 lecture and 288 laboratory. This is the third in a series of four courses designed to prepare the student for clinical dental hygiene process of care. Lecture and clinical instruction will be applied by experience on clinical patients in the Cypress College Dental Hygiene Clinic facility. An emphasis will be placed on the assimilation and utilization of previous instruction and demonstration of progressive learning. This course also emphasizes the performance of those expanded duties in dental hygiene as allowed by the California State Dental Practice Act, Dental Hygiene Board of California, and the progressive development of professional and managerial skills. $149 materials fee payable at registration. (CSU)

DH 221 C Clinical Dental Hygiene 6.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene program and successful completion of all third semester courses.

Term hours: 27 lecture and 288 laboratory. This is the final course in clinical dental hygiene process of care and to provide students advanced instruction in patient care. Lecture and clinical instruction will be applied by clinical experience on clinical patients in the Cypress College Dental facility. An emphasis will be placed on: (1) periodontal therapy, (2) supportive periodontal treatment, (3) expanded and supportive periodontal treatment, (4) expanded and supportive procedures, (5) treatment assessment and planning, (6) organization and implementation of a Student Research presentation/Table Clinic, and (7) the completion and presentation of a Periodontal Case Presentation of extensive and comprehensive dental hygiene process of care of a patient. $50 materials fee payable at registration. (CSU)

DH 230 C Dental Specialties 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program and successful completion of all third semester courses.

Term hours: 36 lecture. This course is a study of the dental hygienist's role within the various Dental Specialties. Each dental specialty practice is studied to establish a proper perspective of dental hygiene in relationship to dentistry and to have a greater comprehension of total patient care. (CSU)

DH 240 C Community Oral Health I 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program and successful completion of all second semester courses.

Term hours: 36 lecture. This is the first of two courses designed to provide the student with the knowledge and experience necessary to work within the community in the area of public health. Emphasis will be placed on the understanding of developing a community health project, use of statistics, and the development of teaching strategies for use in the classroom. Students are expected to work with target groups within the community. (CSU)

DH 241 C Community Oral Health II 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program and successful completion of all third semester courses.

Term hours: 36 lecture. This course is the second of two courses in Community Oral Health to develop principles and practices of dental public health. Emphasis of instruction will be placed on community-wide problems such as water fluoridation and the delivery of care. Students will participate in target groups within the community. (CSU)

DH 245 C Dental Ethics and Legal Princ 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program and successful completion of all third semester courses.

Term hours: 36 lecture. This course offers a study of the fundamental factors necessary to conduct a well-regulated practice based on sound dental practice management principles within the legal and ethical framework of the California Dental Practice Act. Emphasis is placed on the historical aspects of dental hygiene, the ethical and legal responsibilities of the dental hygienist, allowable duties, interpersonal relations among members of the dental team, and patient-office relationships. (CSU)

DH 250 C Pharmacology 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program and successful completion of all second semester courses.

Term hours: 36 lecture. This course includes the principles of drug interaction with living tissue (pharmacodynamics) and the time course of drugs within living organisms (pharmacokinetics); drug effects on the cardiovascular, autonomic, and central nervous systems; drug management of anxiety, pain and infection as related to dental practice and the harmful aspects of drugs (toxicology). (CSU)

DH 255 C Dental Anesthesiology 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program and successful completion of all second semester courses.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This course includes the theory and techniques of administration of local anesthesia and sedation in dentistry as related to the California State Dental Practice Act and Dental Hygiene Board of California. The student will administer local anesthesia and nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation in the clinical setting as a component of comprehensive patient care. $20 materials fee payable at registration. (CSU)

DH 260 C  Dental Care for Special Patients (formerly Dental Care for Special Needs) 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program and successful completion of all second semester courses.

Term hours: 36 lecture. This course is designed to provide the student a study in the needs of the medically compromised, older adult patient, and the mentally and physically challenged patient. Emphasis will be placed on therapeutic techniques in assessing and treating special patients and the barriers and access to oral health care in the dental setting. (CSU)

DH 275 C Clinical Dental Hygiene 1A 0.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): DH 110 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 27 laboratory. This is a clinical course in dental hygiene designed to provide students advanced instruction in dental hygiene process of care. An emphasis will be placed on treatment planning, assessment, and clinical instrumentation. This course provides the student with 27 hours of clinical instruction. Pass/No Pass option only. (CSU)

DH 276 C Clinical Dental Hygiene 2A 0.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): DH 221 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 27 laboratory. This is a clinical course in dental hygiene designed to provide students advanced instruction in patient care. An emphasis will be placed on treatment planning, and advanced instrumentation for the dental hygiene clinical board. Pass/No Pass option only. (CSU)

DH 299 C  Dental Hygiene Independent Study 0.5-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Approved Independent Study Learning Contract

Term hours: 9-36 lecture and/or 0-108 laboratory depending on units attempted. This course is designed for students enrolled in the Dental Hygiene Program who wish to increase their knowledge and experience in applied areas. Students will participate in independent study on assigned areas under staff supervision. May be taken for credit 3 times. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (CSU)