Theatre Arts (THEA)

THEA 100 C Introduction to the Theatre 3 Units

Term Hours: 54 lecture. This course is designed for those who wish to explore are of live theatre, with special attention given to a survey of all the contributing elements. The course prepares the student for other course offerings in the theater theatre curriculum. Admission to theatre performance not to exceed $50.00. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option.(UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC,C-ID: THTR 111)

THEA 101 C Play Analysis 3 Units

Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 100 C or ENGL 101 C or ESL 110 C.

Term hours: 54 lecture. A basic approach to the analysis of a play script, intended to provide theatre students with the tools necessary to understand the literary text of a play, its structure and its application to work in performance, design and critical/historical studies. Admission to theatre performances not to exceed $50.00. (UC/CSU,AA GE, C-ID: THTR 114)

THEA 102 C World Theatre History 3 Units

Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 100 C or ENGL 101 C or ESL 110 C.

Term hours: 54 lecture. In this course, students will investigate the influence of differing cultures, traditions, and technologies on the development of the theatre as a social institution through comparative study of plays, historical events, and the theatrical environment. Theatre practice from its origins through the mid 18th century will be studied. Plays are read for analysis of structure, plot, character and historical relevance. Admission to theatre performances not to exceed $50.00 (UC Credit limitation, AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC, C-ID: THTR 113)

THEA 105 C Musical Theatre History 3 Units

Term hours: 54 Lecture. This course explores the uniquely American art form that is Musical Theatre. From its early development to the present time. Emphasis will be placed on the chronological examination of various musical theatre productions. Students will learn how the composers, librettists, lyricists, choreographers, directors and designers contributed to the formation and the popularity of musical theatre, as it exists today.(CSU/UC, CSU GE, AA GE)

THEA 107 C Diversity in American Theatre 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. America's ethnic, racial and cultural heritages and the struggles for social equality that have shaped American theatre, drama and performance will be explored. Duplicate credit not given for THEA 107HC. Admission to theatre performance not to exceed $50.00. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC, SOC JUST)

THEA 107HC Honors Diversity in Amer. Tht 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course is an enhanced study of America's ethnic, racial and cultural heritages and the struggles for social equality that have shaped American theatre, literature and performance. Duplicate credit not given for THEA 107C. Admission to theatre performance not to exceed $50.00. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC, SOC JUST)

THEA 108 C  Playwriting (formerly Stage and Screenwriting) 3 Units

Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 100 C or ENGL 101 C or ESL 110 C.

Term hours: 54 lecture. In this course, beginning playwrights discover the basic craft of writing plays. This course will concentrate on student's current work and illustrations will be drawn from contemporary plays. Admission to theatre performances not to exceed $50. (CSU, AA GE)

THEA 110 C Stage Management for Theatre 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course involves the study and the practical application of the role of the Stage Manager as they pertain to the theatrical production process. Emphasis is placed on the duties, responsibilities and procedures from pre-production to post-production. This course is required of all students who are interested in stage management positions for the Theatre Arts Department productions. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC)

THEA 111 C Industry Prep for Theatre 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course is designed as preparation for students interested in pursuing theatre as a professional career. Students will learn resume and portfolio building skills as well as interviewing skills and self-marketing. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option.

THEA 120 C Acting I 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. In this course, acting methods of the modern actor will be studied. Students will use craft preparations which will enable them to bring emotional and behavioral truth to the roles they create. Exercises in relaxation, sensory awareness, emotional freedom and the creation of truthful behavior will be practiced. Admission to theatre performances not to exceed $50.00. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE/C-ID: THTR 151)

THEA 121 C Dynamic Movement for the Stage 2 Units

Term hours: 18 lecture and 54 laboratory. In this course, students learn the art of physical communication. Students will discover and explore structured physical play, unarmed stage combat and stimulus response exercises. Basic anatomy as it relates to motion and communication will be examined. This class is designed for actors and all students. Admission to theatre performances not to exceed $50.00. (UC/CSU, CSU GE)

THEA 122 C Improvisation Technique 2 Units

Term hours: 18 lecture and 54 laboratory. This course involves the principles and techniques of improvisational acting designed to increase the actor's creativity, problem solving, collaboration and performance skills. This course also develops student awareness of the importance of the cooperative dynamics of theatre, television and film and the value of the individual actor's creative process as well as emphasizing the individual performance, ensemble work and the development of the actor's physical, vocal, and emotional instrument as it relates to performance (UC/CSU).

THEA 124 C Acting II 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): THEA 120 C with a grade of C or better or Audition.

Advisory: Concurrent enrollment or completion of THEA 121 C or THEA 129 C.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. In this course, actors will proceed to a more advanced exploration and mastery of the basic craft of acting. Actors will learn specific skills for preparing a role and for creating and experiencing the imaginary realities that fulfill a script. Admission to theatre performance not to exceed $50.00. (UC/CSU/C-ID: THTR 152)

THEA 125 C Acting III 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): THEA 124 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. In this course, actors will proceed to an advanced exploration and mastery of the basic craft of acting with an emphasis on fulfilling the demands characterization. Admission to theatre performances not to exceed $50. (UC/CSU)

THEA 126 C Musical Theatre Techniques I 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. Students will investigate performance techniques of musical theatre as they relate to the onstage performer. Established musical theatre repertoire will be covered and performance in a workshop setting of musical theatre literature is required. Admission to theatre performances not to exceed $50.00. (UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

THEA 127 C Musical Theatre Techniques II 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Audition.

Advisory: THEA 126 C.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. In this course, students will explore the synthesis of singing and movement as it applies to musical theatre performance and auditions This course is designed for the performance oriented student. Admission to theatre performances not to exceed $50.00. (UC/CSU)

THEA 128 C Acting for the Camera 2 Units

Term hours: 18 lecture and 54 laboratory. In this course, students will master the fundamental craft of acting for television and feature film. Guidelines for solving the specific demands the camera makes on the actor will be stressed. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. Admission to Theatre Performances not to exceed $50.00. (UC/CSU)

THEA 129 C Voice and Diction 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This is a course in the study of and exercise in voice production and articulation with the goal of producing Standard American speech. Special attention is given to diction for actors, classroom teachers and students with minor speech defects. Stress is placed on individual exercises designed to give conscious control of speech functions. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. Admission to theatre performances not to exceed $50.00. (UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

THEA 130 C Acting Workshop 2-3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Audition

Term hours: 108-162 laboratory TBA depending on units attempted. This performance workshop course will emphasize the application of the principles and the craft of creative acting. Faculty and theater students will initiate and prepare performance projects for an invited audience and for theater festival competition. This course may be taken three times for credit. (CSU/UC/CSU GE)

THEA 132 C Musical Theatre Performance I 2-3 Units

Corequisite(s): THEA 149 C or THEA 150 C or THEA 151 C or THEA 152 C The students will participate in the preparation of a musical production through acting, singing, dancing and/or instrumental accompaniment.

Pre-requisite: Audition Performers will make use of production elements and performance techniques. (UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE, C-ID: THTR 191)

THEA 133 C Rehearsal Performance I 2-3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Audition Co-requisite: THEA 149 C or THEA 150 C or THEA 151 C or THEA 152 C Term hours: 108-162 laboratory TBA This course teaches the practical application of acting and production techniques, i.

e., acting, stage managing, backstage operations. Students participate in the rehearsal and performance of a public production occurring in the Theater Arts Department. (UC/CSU,AA GE,CSU GE, C-ID: THTR 191)

THEA 134 C Auditions for Theater Film 1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition.

Term hours: 18 laboratory. In this course, theater students will create and then perform audition presentations that demonstrate their proficiency in the fundamental skills of acting and auditioning. (CSU)

THEA 135 C Musical Theatre Performance II 2-3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Audition Co-requisite: THEA 149 C or THEA 150 C or THEA 151 C or THEA 152 C Term hours: 126-162 laboratory TBA depending on units attempted.

The students will participate in the development of a musical theater theatre production from rehearsal to public performance. They will synthesize singing, dancing and acting techniques into a cohesive performance. (UC/CSU)

THEA 136 C Rehearsal Performance II 2-3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Audition Co-requisite: THEA 149 C or THEA 150 C or THEA 151 C or THEA 152 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 108-162 laboratory TBA This performance course concentrates on training students in the intermediate skills required of performing and preparing a public performance for the Theater Department. Production support in the areas of stage management, backstage operations, sound, makeup, costumes and house management are also taught. (UC/CSU)

THEA 137 C  Summer Musical Theater Workshop I 1-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Audition

Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. Term hours: 54-108 laboratory. This musical theater performance laboratory course will introduce students to the basic skills of musical theater performance. Faculty and theater students will create and prepare performance projects for an invited audience. (UC/CSU)

THEA 138 C Summer Mus Thea Workshop II 1-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Audition Term hours: 54-108 laboratory.

Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. This musical theater performance laboratory course will introduce students to the intermediate skills of musical theater performance. Faculty and theater students will create and prepare performance projects for an invited audience. (UC/CSU)

THEA 140 C Introduction to Theatre Design 3 Units

Term Hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory Students will be offered a survey of scenery, lighting, sound, costumes, projections, makeup, properties, theatrical equipment and construction techniques through demonstration, and laboratory experience. Information is applicable to all formal theatrical applications. Admission to theatre performance not to exceed $50.00.(UC/CSU, C-ID:THTR 172)

THEA 141 C  Video and Projection Design for Theatre 3 Units

Advisory: THEA 100 C.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory. This course involves the study and execution of projection design for the stage with emphasis on equipment, control, media, creating original content and their relationship to live theatre. Admission to theatre performances not to exceed $50. (CSU/UC)

THEA 142 C Sound Design for Theatre 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory. In this course, students will be involved in recording studio procedure and equipment selection and use for theatre. The course covers the technical as well as the artistic use of sound recording for theatre. Emphasis will be placed on the practical use of audio equipment. Admission to theatre performances will not exceed $50. (UC/CSU)

THEA 143 C Stagecraft 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory. This course explores the planning and execution of scenic elements for the stage with an emphasis on design, construction and methods of shifting scenery. Admission to theatre performances will not exceed $50. $25 Materials Fee - Payable at Registration. (UC/CSU/C-ID: THTR 171)

THEA 144 C Lighting Design for Theatre 3 Units

Term Hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory. This course involves the study and execution of stage lighting with emphasis on equipment, control, color and their relationship to design. Admission to theatre performances not to exceed $50.00. (UC/CSU,C-ID:THTR 173)

THEA 145 C Costume Design for Theatre 3 Units

Term Hours 36 lecture and 54 laboratory Students will study costume history, design, and basic construction techniques as an introduction to basic theatrical costuming. Fabrics and their various uses will be investigated. Admission to theatre performances will not exceed $50. (UC/CSU, CSU GE, C-ID:THTR 174)

THEA 146 C Scenic Painting 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory Various methods of painting theatrical scenery will be explored. Tools to be used will include brush, roller, sponges. Students will duplicate stucco, masonry, woodgrain, foliage, wallpaper ,lettering, drapery, and architectural detail on rigid scenery. Admission to theatre performances will not exceed $50. $30 Materials Fee - Payable at Registration. (UC/CSU)

THEA 147 C Stage Makeup 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory. In this course, students will receive instruction and practice in a lecture/laboratory setting in all phases of makeup specifically designed for theatrical use. Admission to theater performances not to exceed $50. (UC/CSU/C-ID: THTR 175)

THEA 148 C Production Techniques I 0.5-3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Audition.

Term hours: 27-162 laboratory hours depending on units attempted. This is an open entry/open exit class for students to obtain performance experience in theatre. It is open to students performers to fill in vacancies for a theatre department production. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. Concurrent enrollment in THEA 148C through THEA 152C is not allowed. (CSU)

THEA 149 C Stage Crew I - Running 1-2 Units

Term Hours- 54-108 laboratory TBA This course offers students practical experience as members of a running crew for public theatre performances. Students will fulfill crewing assignments during final rehearsals and performances for theatre productions during the semester.(UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE, C-ID:THTR 192)

THEA 150 C Stage Crew II -Production Prep 1-2 Units

Term hours: 54-108 laboratory TBA. This course offers students practical experience as members of a construction, lighting, sound crew for public theater performances. Students will gain practical experience in the construction of scenery, properties, hanging/focusing lights and preparation of sound equipment for theatrical productions during the semester. (UC/CSU,CID-THTR 192)

THEA 151 C Stage Crew III Costume Makeup 1-2 Units

Term hours:54-108 laboratory TBA This course offers students practical experience as members of a costume and makeup crew for public theatre performances. Students will gain practical experience in the construction of costumes and application of stage makeup. (UC/CSU,C-ID:THTR 192)

THEA 152 C Stage Crew IV House Box Office 1-2 Units

Term hours: 54-108 laboratory TBA This course offers students practical experience as members of a house and box office crew for public theatre performances. Students will gain practical experience in house management and box office during performances. (UC/CSU, C-ID:THTR 192)

THEA 155 C Production Techniques II 0.5-3 Units

Term Hours 27-162 hours laboratory. This is an open entry/open exit class for students to obtain production experience in theatre. It is open to student crew members to fill in vacancies for a theatre department production. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. Concurrent enrollment in THEA 148C through THEA 152C is not allowed. (CSU)

THEA 156 C Production Techniques III 0.5-3 Units

Open Entry/Open Exit. Term hours: 27-162 laboratory. This course is for students to obtain production preparation experience in the theater. (CSU)

THEA 160 C Computer Drafting for Theatre 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory. This course is an introduction to two-dimensional and three-dimensional computer-aided design/drafting, and visualization for stage designers. Emphasis is placed on scenic drawings, light plots, creating and organizing industry-standard paperwork and documentation, for live productions. Admission to theatre performances not to exceed $50. (CSU/UC)

THEA 161 C Scenic Design for Theatre 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory. This course offers students training in the art of designing scenery for theatre, from conceptualization to realization. Computer Aided Drafting, model making, and other pre-visualization techniques will be explored. (UC/CSU)

THEA 220 C Acting IV 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): THEA 125 C with a grade of C or better.

Advisory: THEA 121 C or THEA 129 C.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. In this course, students will develop and practice the fundamental skills required to perform dramatic literature that varies from classical texts to contemporary plays. Admission to theater performances not to exceed $50. (CSU/UC)

THEA 225 C Directing for the Theatre 3 Units

Eligibility for college-level composition or appropriate placement. Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. The director's purpose in the theater theatre will be examined through current craft approaches and through a historical context. Practical experience in directing through class projects will be stressed. Admission to theatre performances not to exceed $50.00. (UC/CSU)

THEA 226 C Musical Theatre Techniques III 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Audition Advisory: THEA 127 C Term Hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory The musical theater theatre actor will examine various styles of musical theatre as they apply to both solo and scene work.

The research and performance of musical theatre literature that varies from legitimate standard to pop contemporary styles will be required. Admission to theatre performances not to exceed $50.00. (UC, CSU)

THEA 227 C Musical Theatre Techniques IV 3 Units

Prerequiste: THEA 226 C or audition. Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. The musical theatre actor will analyze the script and score of a piece of musical theatre repertoire and develop a performance using advanced musical theatre techniques. Admission to theatre performances not to exceed $50.00. (UC/CSU)

THEA 228 C Advanced Acting for the Camera 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): THEA 128 C or audition.

Term hours: 18 lecture and 54 laboratory. Students will continue their exploration and mastery of craft approaches for television and film acting, including but not limited to advanced character development and special problems in performance preparation. Admission to Theatre Performances not to exceed $50.00. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (CSU)

THEA 230 C Directing Actors for Film TV 2 Units

Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 100 C or ENGL 101 C or ESL 110 C.

THEA 228 C. Term hours: 18 lecture and 54 laboratory. Student directors will analyze screenplays and characters for the purpose of directing actors. Emphasis on staging scenes for the camera to elicit the best possible performances from the actors. (CSU)

THEA 232 C Musical Thea Performance III 2-3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Audition.

Corequisite(s): THEA 149 C or THEA 150 C or THEA 151 C or THEA 152 C.

Term hours:106-162 laboratory TBA depending on units attempted. The students will prepare a work of musical theatre for public performance through play analysis, character analysis, style analysis and rehearsal, using vocal skills, choreographic movement and acting techniques. (UC/CSU)

THEA 233 C Musical Theatre Performance IV 2-3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Audition.

Corequisite(s): THEA 149 C or THEA 150 C or THEA 151 C or THEA 152 C.

Term hours: 108-162 laboratory TBA. In this course, students will prepare and perform a work of musical theatre for public performance focusing on script obligations, character relationship, external and internal focus techniques, performance style choices and physical expression character driven action. (UC/CSU)

THEA 234 C Rehearsal Performance III 2-3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Audition Corequisite: THEA 149 C or THEA 150 C or THEA 151 C or THEA 152 C.

This is a performance - oriented course that concentrates on training students in the methodology and advanced skills of ensemble acting during a rehearsal period. Production support in the areas of stage management, backstage operations, sound, makeup, costumes, and house management are also introduced by practical involvement in the unique demands of producing an ensemble performance. (UC/CSU)

THEA 235 C Experimental Theatre 2 Units

Term hours: 108 laboratory. This course consists of short-term projects in theatre production (selection to be made by the department). Projects may include student-directed, one act plays, touring shows and improvisational theatre shows. (UC/CSU)

THEA 236 C Summer Theater Workshop I 1-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Audition

Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. Term hours: 54-108 laboratory. This performance laboratory course will introduce students to the basic skills of new play development and innovative performance works. Faculty and theater students will evaluate, create and prepare performance projects for an invited audience. (CSU/UC)

THEA 237 C Summer Theater Workshop II 1-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Audition

Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. Term hours: 54-108 laboratory. This performance laboratory course will invest students with the intermediate skills of new play development and innovative performance works. Faculty and theater students will evaluate, create and prepare performance projects for an invited audience. Pass No/Pass Letter Grade Option. (CSU/UC)

THEA 238 C Rehearsal Performance IV 2-3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Audition.

Corequisite(s): THEA 149 C or THEA 150 C or THEA 151 C or THEA 152 C.

Term hours: 108-162 laboratory TBA. Students will explore and develop further the advanced skills required for performance goals. Production skills in the areas of stage management, backstage operations, sound, makeup, costumes, and house management are acquired by practical involvement through performances. (UC/CSU)

THEA 247 C Prosthetic Makeup 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): THEA 147 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory. In this course, students will explore the techniques of special effects makeup. The basic construction of foam latex appliances, wounds and burns, bald cap application, and ventilated hair construction will be utilized. $150 Materials Fee - Payable at Registration. (CSU)

THEA 298 C Theater Arts Seminar 0.5-12 Units

Prerequisite(s): May be required.

Corequisite(s): May be required.

Advisory: May be required.

Term hours: 0-216 lecture and/or 864 laboratory depending on units attempted. Various courses may be offered from semester to semester which are designed to meet the interests and needs of the students. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. Fees may be required-Payable at Registration or for admission to theater performances. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU)

THEA 299 C Theatre Arts-Independent Study 0.5-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Approved Independent Study Contract. Term hours: 27-108 Laboratory. This course is designed for students who wish to increase their knowledge of theater and/or theatrical practices through individual study or research. May be taken for credit 4 times. (CSU)