Degrees and Certificates

Listed below are programs of study offered by Cypress College and requirements for specific certificates and degrees.

Students are encouraged to meet with an academic counselor for individual education planning.

•    Certificates with less than a total of 16 units or not State approved, will not appear on college transcripts.
•    Certificates with more than a total of 16 units will be noted on transcript as Certificate of Achievement.

Any request for a course substitution or waiver may be discussed with a counselor and must be submitted for approval to the Admissions and Records Office.

NOTE: For students wanting to transfer to a university, schedule an appointment with a counselor. Students may also reference Degrees and certificate programs are listed below by Instructional Divisions.

Cypress College certifies that all courses numbered 100 C through 299 C in the following divisions are baccalaureate-level classes and are transferable to any campus of the California State University system for credit toward its baccalaureate degrees:

  • Business and Computer Information Systems 
  • Career Technical Education
  • Counseling and Guidance 
  • Fine Arts  
  • Health Science
  • Kinesiology
  • Language Arts 
  • Science/Engineering/Mathematics 
  • Social Sciences

Note: All Honors classes offered at Cypress College are transferable to any campus of the California State University system.