
Division: Kinesiology

Division Dean

Colin Preston


Andrew Alhadeff
Mark Canner
Sergio Cutrona
Dr. Silvie Grote
Anthony Hutting
Margaret Mohr
Nancy Welliver


LaRon Armstead
Joseph Jimenez

Kinesiology Transfer Program

Students should consult a counselor or for lower division major requirements for most California public universities. (See the Standard Definitions section of the catalog for a description of ASSIST.) Students transferring to an independent college/university should consult the catalog of the individual school and a counselor for lower division major requirements.

KIN 100 C  Adapted Kinesiology Weight Training (formerly PE 100 C) 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: This course is designed for, but not limited to, students with disabilities, registered with Disability Support Services (DSS).

(Formerly PE 100 C) Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course is designed to give students with various levels of physical ability the opportunity to participate in resistive exercises with weights. May be taken for credit 4 times. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 101 C  Adapted Kinesiology Activity (formerly PE 101 C) 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: This course is designed for, but not limited to, students with disabilities, registered with disability Support Services (DSS).

(Formerly PE 101 C) Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course is designed for students with various levels of physical ability. The class will emphasize modified individual and team sport activities. May be taken for credit 4 times. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 106 C Electronic Sports - Beginning 1 Unit

Term hours: 54 laboratory. This course is designed to introduce students to electronic sports. Students will play electronic sports and develop skills playing online activity and sport games. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (CSU, AA GE)

KIN 107 C  Electronic Sports - Intermediate 1 Unit

Advisory: KIN 106 C

This course is designed for students aspiring to develop an intermediate level of electronic sports skill. Students will play electronic sports and develop skills playing online activity and sport games. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (CSU, AA GE)

KIN 108 C Electronic Sports - Advanced 1 Unit

Advisory: KIN 107 C

This course is designed for students aspiring to develop advanced level of electronic sports skill. Students will play electronic sports and develop skills playing online activity and sport games. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (CSU, AA GE)

KIN 109 C  Spirit Squad (formerly PE 179 C) 1-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Audition

(Formerly PE 179 C) Term hours: 108 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course is designed for the pep squad to develop skills in tumbling, stunts, dance technique, choreography, leadership skills, crowd motivation, and competition. Performance is mandatory at school athletic events and campus functions. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 110 C  Surfing (formerly PE 122 C) 0.5-1 Units

Prerequisite(s): Demonstrate ability to swim.

(Formerly PE 122 C) Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course offers students the opportunity to learn and improve the skills of wave riding. Examination and analysis of paddling, wave selection, water safety, equipment, tides, current, and etiquette are emphasized for long boarding and short boarding. Transportation will not be furnished. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (UC/Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 111 C  Swimming (formerly PE 134 C) 0.5-1 Units

(Formerly PE 134 C) Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course provides basic instruction and practice in the fundamental elements of swimming including beginning diving and water safety instruction. The class is designed to develop proficiency in the basic strokes needed to meet the prerequisites for the senior lifesaving and water safety instruction courses. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (UC/Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE) Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course provides basic instruction and practice in the fundamental elements of swimming including beginning diving and water safety instruction. The class is designed to develop proficiency in the basic strokes needed to meet the prerequisites for the senior lifesaving and water safety instruction courses. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 112 C Swimming-Intermediate-Advanced 0.5-1 Units

Prerequisite(s): Demonstrate ability to swim.

Advisory: KIN 111 C Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted.

(Formerly PE 135 C) This course is designed to develop knowledge and skill in competitive swimming strokes. The swimming strokes to be taught are the American crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and dolphin butterfly. The class will emphasize the development of cardiovascular aerobic conditioning. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (UC/Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 114 C  Springboard Diving (formerly PE 136 C) 0.5-1 Units

Prerequisite(s): Demonstrate ability to swim.

(Formerly PE 136 C) Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of springboard diving. The beginning diver will learn diving progression for the front, back, reverse, inward and twisting dives. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (UC/Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 115 C  Springboard Diving - Intermediate - Advanced 0.5-1 Units

Prerequisite(s): Demonstrate ability to swim.

Advisory: KIN 114 C

This course is designed to teach the intermediate and advanced skills of springboard diving. The experienced diver will learn advanced diving progression for the front, back, reverse, inward and twisting dives. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 116 C  Swim for Fitness (formerly PE 149 C) 0.5-1 Units

Prerequisite(s): Demonstrate ability to swim

(Formerly PE 149 C) Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course will emphasize swimming for health and physical fitness. The class is designed to decrease the risk of coronary heart disorders by increasing heart efficiency, vital lung capacity, and the knowledge of each through the use of aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. Participating adults and others seeking a fitness program may expect to improve their overall fitness level through aquatic training. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (UC/Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 117 C  Water Aerobics (formerly PE 151 C) 0.5-1 Units

(Formerly PE 151 C) Term hours: 27-54. This course is designed to provide calisthenic type exercises and routines using the resistance of the water as a means for developing cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility, and coordination. Students will be able to improve posture and appearance through performance and understanding of using the water as a resistance. Non-swimmers welcome. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 118 C Aqua Zumba 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 laboratory. Aqua Zumba is designed to develop cardiovascular fitness using the resistance of the water as a means to develop endurance, strength, flexibility and coordination. This course combines some of the traditional elements of aqua fitness with the upbeat, Latin-infused dance moves and music. Pass/No Pass/Letter grade option. (UC/CSU, AA GE)

KIN 119 C Aqua Bootcamp 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 laboratory. A cardio-intensive class with a more athletic approach to water fitness. You will experience a true boot camp-style workout with a variety of drills involving kicks, calisthenics, lunges, jumps and running. Using the properties of water, these exercises are designed to improve your strength and stamina. Pass/no pass letter grade option.(UC/CSU, AA GE)

KIN 120 C  Kick-Boxing (formerly PE 163 C) 0.5-1 Units

(Formerly PE 163 C) Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. Instruction in forms of kick-boxing that stress cardiovascular endurance, strength development, and improved flexibility. The aerobic workout will include influences from several martial arts. The sparring and self defense aspects of kick-boxing will be included. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (UC/Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 121 C  Self-Defense (formerly PE 170 C) 0.5-1 Units

Formerly PE 170 C Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course provides instruction in developing both physical and cognitive skills in personal safety and self-protection. Through different forms of martial arts training, students will practice both defensive and offensive moves against various forms of attacks, including weapons. Proficiency in the practical, effective, and tactical use of movement, leverage, strikes, and use of everyday objects. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 128 C Yoga-Intermediate 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: Students should have taken KIN 130 C or demonstrate intermediate yoga practitioners skills.

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This is an intermediate course in yoga. It involves a deeper investigation and practice of yoga postures (asana), breathing (pranayama), and meditation, through the eight-limb system of Patanjali. This course will introduce students to a more thorough exploration of Yoga through its primary practicing methodology of asana, pranayama, and meditation. This process of practice will offer a deeper signification of the integration of body, mind, and spirit, as integral to the practice of yoga. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 129 C Vinyasa Yoga 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. In this course, students will learn the foundation of yoga asana in relation to breath, pranayama. Vinyasa translates as, nyasa, to place, and vi, in a special way. In this respect, vinyasa, as it relates to yoga asana (posture), means, to place the body in a special way. Vinyasa, as a style of yoga practice is derived from the hatha yoga lineage, and generally means, to move the body in relation to breath. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 130 C  Yoga (formerly PE 102 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course, as defined by Patanjali, means, “citta vrtti nirodha”, the stilling of all states of citta, or roughly, the stilling of mind. Students will develop an understanding of the goal of yoga, primarily through the significance of yoga asana. Not because asana (posture) is the most significant aspect of Patanjali’s system of yoga, but because it allows students a way into the practice. In this respect, yoga is a practice, and in this course, students will focus on developing a yoga practice, represented through asana, that reflects the goals of yoga, and the stilling of mind. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 131 C Restorative and Gentle Yoga 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course explores the relationship between yoga, restorative and gentle yoga. Students will approach the practice of restorative and gentle yoga from the perspective that, yoga, by definition, is therapeutic. As such, with focus on restorative and gentle asana (posture), as well as, pranayama (breathing), and meditation, students will learn tools for which a more restorative and gentle practice can assist with stress and anxiety management, for deeper relaxation, and potential healing. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 132 C Hatha Yoga 0.5-1 Units

Term Hours: 27-54 lab hours depending on units attempted. This course is the larger lineage of yoga that derives from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. In this course, students will learn, and investigate this lineage, and the common themes of practice that derive from this lineage. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is a philosophical system, which is based on the goal of “citta vrtti nirodha, the stilling of all states of citta, or roughly, the stilling of mind. We will focus primarily on the significance of yoga asana (posture), as well as, pranayama ( breathing), to facilitate a practice, and experiential analysis of the yoga and Hatha yoga lineage. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 133 C  Cardiovascular Conditioning (formerly PE 114 C) 0.5-1 Units

(Formerly PE 114 C) Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This class is designed to provide an individualized exercise program for the student interested in achieving physical fitness through a program of cardiovascular conditioning. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (UC/Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 134AC  Walking for Fitness - Beginning (formerly KIN 134 C) 0.5-1 Units

(Formerly PE 121 C and KIN 134 C) Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course will emphasize walking for health and fitness for those who are interested in instruction and practice of cardiovascular walking. This class is designed to decrease the risk of coronary heart disorders by increasing heart efficiency, vital lung capacity, and the knowledge of each through aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (UC/Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 134BC  Walking for Fitness - Intermediate 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 134AC.

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course will emphasize intermediate walking for health and fitness for those who are interested in instruction and practice of cardiovascular walking. This course is designed to decrease the risk of coronary heart disorders by increasing heart efficiency, vital lung capacity, and the knowledge of each through aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE)

KIN 134CC Walking for Fitness - Advanced 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 134BC.

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course will emphasize advanced walking for health and fitness for those who are interested in instruction and practice of cardiovascular walking. This class is designed to decrease the risk of coronary heart disorders by increasing heart efficiency, vital lung capacity, and the knowledge of each through aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE)

KIN 135 C  Cardio Step (formerly PE 129 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course provides aerobic development through coordinated stepping movements performed to music. This course will emphasize cardiovascular improvement, muscle development, and improved body composition. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 136 C  Cardio Step - Intermediate (formerly Step Aerobics - Intermediate) 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 135 C

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course provides aerobic development through coordinated intermediate stepping movements performed to music. The class will emphasize cardiovascular improvement, muscle development, and improved body composition. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 137 C  Mountaineering and Rock Climbing (formerly PE 142 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course is designed for those students wishing to develop beginning through advanced skills in mountaineering/rock climbing. Teaching emphasis is on preparation, knowledge of equipment, physical techniques and the mental approach to climbing. Facility use fee required, to be paid throughout the semester at the facility. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 138 C  Body Sculpt (formerly PE 148 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course provides a whole body workout without jogging, running, jumping or other high impact type movements which might result in overstress to feet, ankles, knees, hips or the spinal column. This course is designed to prevent injury and is ideal for beginning exercisers, individual with higher body mass, injured or recuperating students, older students as well as the general student population. This class is designed for both men and women. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 139 C  Cardio Blast (formerly PE 150 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course provides an aerobic development through rhythmic, high impact movements. The class activities will emphasize stretching, walking, jogging, running, and rope jumping in a dance setting to music. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 140 C  Fitness Training (formerly PE 152 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This circuit training course has proven especially beneficial for people not interested in competitive weight training but desiring good muscle tone and cardiovascular fitness. This type of training gives maximum return in a controlled workout. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 142 C  Power Training (formerly PE 156 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course is designed to provide instruction and supervision of students with individualized power training programs using free weights. It is for men and women of all ages who are interested in improving power moves using squats, dead lifts, and the bench press. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 143 C  Strength Training (formerly PE 159 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course is designed to individualized instruction and supervision of students with individualized strength training programs using Life Fitness, Universal and Olympic weights. It is for men and women of all ages who are interested in muscle toning, muscle rehabilitation, and/or weight redistribution. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 144 C  Boot Camp Workout - Intermediate (formerly HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training) 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 145 C.

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course is designed for students to participate in a comprehensive fitness program which includes stretching, cardiovascular, and strengthening exercises with an emphasis on higher intensity, short-term intervals. The exercises help develop agility, improve coordination, and increase endurance while normalizing body weight and improving muscle tone. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 145 C  Boot Camp Workout (formerly PE 168 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 laboratory. This course will focus on individual exercises including obstacle course, calisthenics, conditioning, weight training, aerobics, yoga, and overall fitness. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 146 C  Cardio Core (formerly PE 178 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course is designed for students to participate in a comprehensive fitness program which includes stretching and core strengthening exercises using stability balls, hand weights and tubing. The exercises help develop agility, improve coordination, and increase core body strength. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 147 C  Body Building and Development (formerly PE 182 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 lab hours depending on units attempted. This course includes building and developing the body through the use of progressive resistance exercises, as well as instruction in the proper techniques of power lifting. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 148 C  Total Body Fitness (formerly PE 187 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 24-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course emphasizes physical fitness which will be achieved through the use of resistance exercises and body building routines. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 149 C  Weight Training and Lifting (formerly PE 193 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This weight training class stresses techniques of lifting that will produce muscle tone and strength. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 150AC Trail Hiking - Beginning 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: Students should be able to complete a 1.

0 mile walk within 20 minutes. Term hours: 27-54 hours of activity depending on units attempted. Exploration of scenic trails including the coast, canyons, parks, hills, and open space areas. Trails are off-campus and student's must provide their own transportation. Pass/No Pass / Letter Grade Option. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 150BC Trail Hiking - Intermediate 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: Students should be able to complete a 2.

0 mile walk within 30 minutes. Term hours: 27-54 hours of activity depending on units attempted. Exploration of scenic trails including the coast, canyons, parks, hills, and open space areas. Trails are off-campus and student's must provide their own transportation. Pass/No Pass / Letter Grade Option. (CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 150CC Trail Hiking - Advanced 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: Students should be able to complete a 2.

0 mile walk within 30 minutes. Term hours: 27-54 hours of activity depending on units attempted. Exploration of scenic trails including the coast, canyons, parks, hills, and open space areas. Trails are off-campus and student's must provide their own transportation. Pass/No Pass / Letter Grade Option. (CSU, AA GE, CSU GE).

KIN 151 C Spinning-Beginning 0.5-1 Units

Term Hours: 27-54 lab hours depending on units attempted. This course explores spinning, a unique, indoor, group stationary cycling program. This efficient, high-energy group exercise integrates music and cycling in a complete exercise routine. Spinning accommodates everyone's individual needs and abilities. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 152 C Spinning - Intermediate 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 151 C

This course covers spinning, a unique, indoor, group stationary cycling program. This efficient, high-energy group exercise integrates music and cycling in a complete exercise routine and is designed for those who have prior experience. Spinning accommodates everyone's individual needs and abilities. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 153 C Spinning - Advanced 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 152 C.

Term Hours: 27-54 hours lab. This course is a unique, indoor group stationary cycling program. This efficient, high-energy group exercise integrates music and cycling in a complete exercise routine and is designed for those who have at least intermediate experience. Spinning accommodates everyone's individual needs and abilities. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 154 C Triathlon - Beginning 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 laboratory depending on units attempted. This course provides a dynamic physical fitness program which focuses on swimming, cycling and running. The process will allow the student to gain thorough body conditioning as well as knowledge and experience in the sport of triathlon. Topics will include cardio-respiratory training, strength training, and flexibility activities which are consistent to triathlon training. This course will contribute to students who are obtaining a kinesiology degree or who wish to develop more intensive physical training techniques. Participants entering this course can be at a beginning level of fitness and be comfortable in the water. Spin bikes will be provided. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 155 C Triathlon - Intermediate 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 154 C.

Term hours: 27-54 hours lab depending on units attempted. This course provides a dynamic physical fitness program which focuses on swimming, cycling and running. The process will allow the student to gain thorough body conditioning as well as knowledge and experience in the sport of triathlon. Topics will include cardio-respiratory training, strength training, and flexibility activities which are consistent to triathlon training. This course will contribute to students who are obtaining a kinesiology degree or who wish to develop more intensive physical training techniques. Participants entering this course should be at an intermediate level of fitness and know how to swim freestyle. Spin bikes will be provided but for students wishing to progress to the road, helmets as well as safe bicycles will be beneficial. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 156AC  Fitness First Resp. Beg. 1 Unit

Term hours: 54 Laboratory. Designed to support those students and active professionals in the emergency response disciplines. An introduction to physical aspects of first response including aerobic and anaerobic training, core, strength, and strength endurance work. Injury prevention, real world shift work considerations and basic nutrition will also be addressed. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (CSU, AA GE)

KIN 156BC Fitness First Resp. Interm. 1 Unit

Term hours: 54 Laboratory. Designed to support those students and active professionals in the emergency response disciplines. An intermediate approach to physical aspects of first response including aerobic and anaerobic training, core, strength, and strength endurance work. Injury prevention, real world shift work considerations and basic nutrition will also be addressed. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option.(CSU, AA GE)

KIN 156CC Fitness First Resp. Advanced 1 Unit

Term hours: 54 Laboratory. Designed to support those students and active professionals in the emergency response disciplines. An Advanced approach to physical aspects of first response including aerobic and anaerobic training, core, strength, and strength endurance work. Injury prevention, real world shift work considerations and basic nutrition will also be addressed. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (CSU, AA GE)

KIN 157AC Tact. Fitness for Law Enforce. 1 Unit

Term hours: 54 Laboratory. Designed for individuals who are currently employed in law enforcement or who intend to enter the field. Course sessions will address aerobic and strength training, muscular endurance, nutrition and weight management, agility, coordination, balance and flexibility. An emphasis will be placed on injury prevention, back care, and increased on job physical performance and longevity. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (CSU, AA GE)

KIN 158AC Tact. Fit. for Fire Fighters 1 Unit

Term hours: 54 Laboratory. Designed for individuals who are currently employed in Fire Fighting or who intend to enter the field. Course sessions will address aerobic and strength training, muscular endurance, nutrition and weight management, agility, coordination, balance and flexibility. An emphasis will be placed on injury prevention, back care, and increased on job physical performance and longevity. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (CSU, AA GE)

KIN 159 C  Fitness Testing and Exercise Prescription (formerly PE 154 C) 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Physician's clearance required for persons age 45 or over.

Term hours: 18 lecture and 54 hours activity. This course will evaluate the fitness level of individuals by modern scientific equipment. Based on the results of a battery of tests, an exercise prescription will be developed to meet individual goals. Student progress will be evaluated with post testing. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 160 C  Badminton - Beginning (formerly PE 105 C Badminton) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This is a course in the fundamental skills of badminton with emphasis on position play and strategy for singles, doubles and mixed doubles. The class will include rules, etiquette, drills, and class competition. Equipment is furnished. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 161 C Badminton - Intermediate 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 160 C

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This is a course in intermediate skills of badminton with emphasis on position play and strategy for singles, doubles and mixed doubles. This course will include rules, etiquette, drills, and class competition. Equipment is furnished. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 162 C Badminton - Advanced 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 161 C

This is a course in advanced skills of badminton with emphasis on position play and strategy for singles, doubles and mixed doubles. This course will include rules, etiquette, drills, and class competition. Equipment is furnished. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 163 C  Table Tennis (formerly PE 107 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course will consist of essential strokes with emphasis on the game strategies for singles and doubles play of table tennis. Rules, etiquette and tournament format will be introduced to the class. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 164 C  Bowling - Beginning (former PE 108 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course teaches the fundamental skills of bowling with emphasis on form, terminology and scoring. The student will have the opportunity for class competition. The class will be conducted at an off campus bowling establishment. Required facility use to be paid throughout the semester at the facility. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 165 C Bowling - Intermediate 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: Student should have beginner experience in bowling or have taken KIN 164 C.

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course teaches intermediate skills of bowling with emphasis on etiquette, terminology and equipment. The student will have the opportunity for class competition. The class will be conducted at an off campus bowling establishment. Required facility use fee to be paid throughout the semester at the facility. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 166 C Bowling - Advanced 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: Student should have intermediate experience in bowling or have taken KIN 165 C.

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course teaches advanced skills of bowling with emphasis on form, rules , and etiquette. The student will have the opportunity for class competition. The class will be conducted at an off campus bowling establishment. Required facility use fee to be paid throughout the semester at the facility. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 167 C  Gymnastics-Tumbling (formerly PE 119 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course is designed to give the student concentrated instruction and practice in the skills of tumbling, floor exercises, and vaulting skills. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 168 C  Tennis - Beginning (formerly PE 139 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course will place emphasis on tennis fundamentals including forehand, backhand, and the serve. The course also includes rules, court strategy, and etiquette of singles and doubles play. Tournaments will be conducted during class sessions. Students must provide their own equipment. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 169 C  Tennis - Intermediate (formerly PE 141 C) 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: Student should have beginner experience in tennis or have taken KIN 168 C.

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course is designed for students desiring instruction from intermediate to advanced tennis and provides the opportunity to put techniques into practice through placement in the various levels of tennis ability. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 170 C Tennis - Advanced 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: Student should have intermediate experience in tennis or have taken KIN 169 C.

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course is designed to help the advanced tennis student improve specific skills and strategies in competitive game situations. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 171 C  Golf - Beginning (formerly PE 115 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course emphasizes the basic fundamentals of golf, including rules, etiquette and terminology. Golfing activity will be held at an on-campus location for the first half of the class. The second half of the class will be held at an off-campus golf facility. Required facility use fee to be paid throughout the semester at the facility. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 172 C  Golf - Intermediate (formerly PE 157 C) 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: Student should have beginner experience in golf or have taken KIN 171 C.

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course will emphasize advanced golf techniques and playing strategies. The class will provide advanced and low handicap golfers the opportunity to enhance their skills and techniques in execution of golf scoring strategies. Required facility use fee to be paid throughout the semester at the facility. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 173 C Golf - Advanced 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: Student should have intermediate experience in golf or have taken KIN 172 C.

Term hours: 27-54 hours. This course provides training for those seeking improvement in their golf technique and knowledge. Emphasis is on developing ball-striking skills, and on scorecard evaluation, strategy, course management, and proper application of the rules of golf. Students are responsible for balls, golf clubs, and range fees. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 174 C Pickleball - Beginning 0.5-1 Units

Term Hours: 27-54 hours of lab activity depending on units attempted. This course covers the development of beginning-level playing, competitive skills in the paddle sport of pickleball, and instruction in the beginning skills, techniques, strategies, along with rules and etiquette. Pickleball features simple rules and is easy to learn. Because beginners can enjoy the sport almost immediately, while advanced players experience it as a fast-paced, highly competitive game, pickleball is suitable for individuals of all ages, fitness levels and athletic abilities. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 175 C Pickleball - Intermediate 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 174 C

This course covers the development of intermediate-level playing and competitive skills in the paddle sport of pickleball. Instruction in the intermediate skills, techniques, strategies, along with rules and etiquette. Pickleball features simple rules and is easy to learn and fast paced. This sport is suitable for individuals of all ages, fitness levels and athletic abilities. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 176 C Pickleball - Advanced 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 175 C

This course covers the development of advanced-level playing and competitive skills in the paddle sport of pickleball. Instruction in the advanced skills, techniques, strategies, along with rules and etiquette. Pickleball features simple rules and is easy to learn. Pickleball is suitable for individuals of all ages, fitness levels and athletic abilities. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 180 C  Futsal - Beginning (formerly PE 109 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course will provide instruction and practice in the techniques of futsal (indoor soccer). This course will develop skills, provide knowledge of the rules and teach students to analyze techniques, solve tactical problems and improve physical fitness. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 181 C Futsal - Intermediate 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 180 C

This course is designed to strengthen fundamental soccer skills. Emphasis is on scrimmages and applying offensive and defensive group strategies in competitive play. The course also introduces tactical strategies for each player: forwards, midfielders, fullbacks, and goalkeepers. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 182 C Futsal - Advanced 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 181 C.

Term Hours: 27-54 lab hours depending on units attempted. This course is designed for players who have mastered the fundamental skills, strategies, and rules of soccer and seek to develop advanced-level physical and mental skills for competitive play. In addition to refining offensive and defensive skills, students analyze game tactics and evaluate strategies for strengthening personal and team performance. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 183 C  Volleyball - Beginning (formerly PE 144 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course will include teaching of the basic skills of volleyball with emphasis on strategy and rules. The students will be offered the opportunity for class and interclass competition. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 184 C  Volleyball - Intermediate (formerly PE 145 C) 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 183 C

This course is designed to provide intermediate skill development and strategies of volleyball. This class will provide intermediate players an opportunity to practice competitive techniques in games situations. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 185 C Volleyball - Advanced 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 184 C

Term hours: 27-54 hours lab depending on units attempted. This course presents advanced volleyball techniques and tactics for team and tournament play. The course offers advanced skills, court positioning, defensive techniques, and team strategy, both offensive and defensive. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 186 C  Beach Volleyball - Beginning (formerly PE 126 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 laboratory. This course provides basic instruction and strategies in beach volleyball. Designed to develop basic skills, knowledge of rules, team strategies and desire for future participation during leisure times. Course may be taken one time for credit. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 187 C  Beach Volleyball - Intermediate (formerly PE 128 C) 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: Student should have beginning beach volleyball skill or have taken KIN 186 C

Term hours: 27-54 laboratory. This course provides instruction, strategies and practice of skills in beach volleyball. The course is designed to develop intermediate skills, knowledge of rules, team strategies and desire for future participation during leisure times. The course emphasizes advanced offensive and defensive theories in competitive match situations. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 188 C Beach Volleyball - Advanced 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: Student should have intermediate beach volleyball skill or have taken KIN 187 C.

Term hours: 27-54 laboratory depending on units attempted. This course provides instruction, strategies and practice of skills in beach volleyball. The course is designed to develop advanced skills, knowledge of rules, team strategies and desire for future participation during leisure times. The course emphasizes advanced offensive and defensive theories in competitive match situations. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 189 C  Basketball - Beginning (formerly PE 181 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course will include instruction in the fundamental skills of basketball with an emphasis on strategy and team play. The class will include rules, drills, and team competition. Equipment is furnished. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 190 C  Basketball - Intermediate (formerly PE 160 C) 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: Students should have beginning basketball skill or have taken KIN 189 C.

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This activity course stresses development of the fundamental skills of basketball. Game strategies including various offenses and defenses will be analyzed and applied through team competition. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 191 C Basketball - Advanced 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: Student should have intermediate basketball skill or have taken KIN 190 C.

Term hours: 27-54 lab hours dependent on units attempted. This course is designed for players who have mastered the fundamental skills, strategies, and rules of basketball and seek to develop advanced-level physical and mental skills for competitive play. In addition to refining offensive and defensive skills, students analyze game tactics and evaluate strategies for strengthening personal and team performance. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 192 C  Water Polo (formerly PE 146 C) 0.5-1 Units

Prerequisite(s): Demonstrate ability to swim.

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course offers basic instruction in the fundamental skills of water polo. Instruction will emphasize passing, shooting, dribbling, conditioning, game strategy, and terminology. The course will include aquatic drills, scrimmages, and appropriate learning activities for the intermediate and advanced water polo player. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 193AC  Soccer - Beginning (formerly KIN 193 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This class will provide instruction and practice in the techniques of soccer. Students will develop skills, knowledge of rules, analysis of techniques and game strategies. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 193BC Soccer - Intermediate 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 193AC.

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course will provide intermediate instruction and practice in the techniques of soccer. Students will develop skills, knowledge of rules, analysis of techniques and game strategies. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE)

KIN 193CC Soccer - Advanced 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 193BC.

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course will provide advanced instruction and practice in the techniques of soccer. Students will develop skills, knowledge of rules, analysis of techniques and game strategies. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE)

KIN 194 C  Softball (formerly PE 172 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course will emphasize basic skills of women's softball including techniques, strategies of offense and defense, rules, and terminology. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 195AC  Baseball - Beginning (formerly KIN 195 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This class includes instruction in the fundamental skills of baseball with emphasis on techniques, game strategy, and the correct methods to play the game. The course will include drills and class competition. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade Option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 195BC Baseball - Intermediate 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 195AC.

Advisory KIN 195AC. Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course includes instruction in the intermediate skills of baseball with emphasis on intermediately skilled techniques, game strategy, and the correct methods to play the game. The course will include drills and class competition for intermediately skilled players. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE)

KIN 195CC Baseball - Advanced 0.5-1 Units

Advisory: KIN 195BC

Advisory KIN 195BC. Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course includes instruction in the skills of baseball with emphasis on advanced techniques, game strategy, and the correct methods to play the game. The course will include drills and class competition for players with advanced skills. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE)

KIN 197 C  Flag Football (formerly PE 197 C) 0.5-1 Units

Term hours: 27-54 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course will include the basic fundamentals of flag and touch football. The class will emphasize rules, safety procedures and team play. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 198 C  Athletic Weight Training (formerly PE 104 C) 0.5-3 Units

Prerequisite(s): KIN 202 C or KIN 203 C or KIN 204 C or KIN 205 C or KIN 206 C or KIN 207 C or 210 C or KIN 211 C or KIN 212 C or KIN 213 C or KIN 214 C or KIN 215 C or KIN 217 C or KIN 218 C or KIN 219 C or KIN 222 C, with a grade of C or better or demonstrate advanced athletic skills.

Term hours: 27-162 laboratory. This course is designed with athletes in mind, but not limited to them, to enable them to work out with a prescribed individual weight program at least three days a week. It will involve specific resistance exercises to develop parts of the body used in various types of sports activities. It will also add to the safety of the athletes by helping to prevent injuries. Course may be taken 4 times for credit. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 199 C  Conditioning for Athletes (formerly PE 162 C) 0.5-3 Units

Prerequisite(s): KIN 202 C or KIN 203 C or KIN 204 C or KIN 205 C or KIN 206 C or KIN 207 C or 210 C or KIN 211 C or KIN 212 C or KIN 213 C or KIN 214 C or KIN 215 C or KIN 217 C or KIN 218 C or KIN 219 C or KIN 222 C, with a grade of C or better or demonstrate advanced athletic skills.

Term hours: 27-162 hours activity depending on units attempted. This course is designed for individualized instruction and practice in the areas of weight training, weight lifting, anaerobic and aerobic fitness, and flexibility for competition in various intercollegiate sports. May be taken for credit 4 times. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 200 C Athletic Skill Development 0.5-3 Units

Prerequisite(s): KIN 202 C or KIN 203 C or KIN 204 C or KIN 205 C or KIN 206 C or KIN 207 C or 210 C or KIN 211 C or KIN 212 C or KIN 213 C or KIN 214 C or KIN 215 C or KIN 217 C or KIN 218 C or KIN 219 C or KIN 222 C, with a grade of C or better or demonstrate advanced athletic skills.

Term hours: 27-162 laboratory. This course is designed with athletes in mind, but not limited to them, to enable them to work out with a prescribed individual weight program at least three days a week. It will involve specific resistance exercises to develop parts of the body used in various types of sports activities. It will also add to the safety of the athletes by helping to prevent injuries. Course may be taken four times for credit. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation)

KIN 201 C Athletic Fitness Development 0.5-3 Units

Prerequisite(s): KIN 202 C or KIN 203 C or KIN 204 C or KIN 205 C or KIN 206 C or KIN 207 C or 210 C or KIN 211 C or KIN 212 C or KIN 213 C or KIN 214 C or KIN 215 C or KIN 217 C or KIN 218 C or KIN 219 C or KIN 222 C, with a grade of C or better or demonstrate advanced athletic skills.

Term hours: 27-162 laboratory. This course is designed with athletes in mind, but not limited to them, to enable them to work out with a prescribed individual weight program at least three days a week. It will involve specific resistance exercises to develop parts of the body used in various types of sports activities. It will also add to the safety of the athletes by helping to prevent injuries. Course may be taken four times for credit. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation)

KIN 202 C  Intercollegiate Baseball (formerly PE 202 C) 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Must meet the California Community College Athletics Association (CCCAA) eligibility requirements and pass a physical examination prior to Intercollegiate competition.

Term hours: 175 activity. This course is designed for the advanced baseball player wanting to participate on the intercollegiate baseball team. In order to participate in intercollegiate athletics, students must meet the CCCAA eligibility requirements and pass an athletic medical screening. Daily practice is required. Course may be taken four times for credit. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 203 C  Intercollegiate Basketball - Men (formerly PE 203 C) 1.5-3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Must meet the California Community College Athletics Association (CCCAA) eligibility requirements and pass a physical examination prior to intercollegiate competition.

Term hours: 80-175 activity. This course is designed for the advanced basketball player wanting to participate on the intercollegiate basketball team. In order to participate in intercollegiate athletics, students must meet the CCCAA eligibility requirements and pass an athletic medical screening. Daily practice is required. Course may be taken four times for credit. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 204 C  Intercollegiate Basketball - Women (formerly PE 204 C) 1.5-3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Must meet the California Community College Athletics Association (CCCAA) eligibility requirements and pass a physical examination prior to intercollegiate competition.

Term hours: 80-175 activity. In order to participate in this course and intercollegiate athletics, all students must enroll in one of the above classes. The most qualified student athletes will be selected to represent the college during the season. These classes satisfy the physical education graduation requirement. These sports will stress fundamentals, team/individual play, and mental and physical conditioning. Daily practice or a minimum of ten hours per week is required. Course may be taken four times for credit. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 205 C  Intercollegiate Beach Volleyball - Women (formerly PE 217 C) 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Pass team tryouts and must meet the California Community College Athletics Association (CCCAA) eligibility requirements and pass a physical examination prior to intercollegiate competition.

Term hours: 175 activity. In order to participate in this course and in intercollegiate athletics, all students must enroll in one of the intercollegiate classes. The most qualified student athletes will be selected to represent the college during the season. This class satisfies the physical education graduation requirement. This sport will stress fundamentals, team/individual play, and mental and physical conditioning. Daily practice of a minimum of ten hours per week is required. Course may be taken four times for credit. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 206 C  Intercollegiate Golf - Men (formerly PE 208 C) 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Must meet the California Community College Athletics Association (CCCAA) eligibility requirements and pass a physical examination prior to intercollegiate competition.

Term hours: 175 activity. This course is designed for the advanced golfer wanting to participate on the intercollegiate golf team. In order to participate in intercollegiate athletics, students must be able to meet the CCCAA eligibility requirements and pass an athletic medical screening. Daily practice is required. May be taken for credit 4 times. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 207 C Intercollegiate Golf - Women 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Students must meet the California Community College Athletics Association (CCCAA) eligibility requirements and pass a physical examination prior to intercollegiate competition.

Term hours: 175 activity. This course is designed for the advanced golfer wanting to participate on the intercollegiate golf team. In order to participate in intercollegiate athletics, students must be able to meet the CCCAA eligibility requirements and pass an athletic medical screening. Daily practice is required. This course may be taken four times for credit. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 210 C  Intercollegiate Soccer - Men (formerly PE 209 C) 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Students must meet the California Community College Athletics Association (CCCAA) eligibility requirements and pass a physical examination prior to intercollegiate competition.

Term hours: 175 activity. This course is designed for the advanced soccer player wanting to participate on the intercollegiate soccer team. In order to participate in intercollegiate athletics, students must meet the CCCAA eligibility requirements and pass an athletic medical screening. Daily practice is required. This course may be taken four times for credit. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 211 C  Intercollegiate Soccer - Women 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Students must meet the California Community College Athletics Association (CCCAA) eligibility requirements and pass a physical examination prior to intercollegiate competition.

Term hours: 175 activity. This course is designed for the advanced soccer player wanting to participate on the intercollegiate soccer team. In order to participate in intercollegiate athletics, students must meet the CCCAA eligibility requirements and pass an athletic medical screening. Daily practice is required. This course may be taken four times for credit. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 212 C  Intercollegiate Softball - Women (formerly PE 210 C) 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Students must meet the California Community College Athletics Association (CCCAA) eligibility requirements and pass a physical examination prior to intercollegiate competition.

Term hours: 175 activity. In order to participate in this course and in intercollegiate athletics, all students must enroll in one of the above classes. The most qualified student athletes will be selected to represent the college during the season. These classes satisfy the physical education graduation requirement. These sports will stress fundamentals, team/individual play, and mental and physical conditioning. Daily practice or a minimum of ten hours per week is required. Course may be taken four times for credit. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE. CSU GE)

KIN 213 C  Intercollegiate Swimming - Men (formerly PE 211 C) 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Students must meet the California Community College Athletics Association (CCCAA) eligibility requirements and pass a physical examination prior to intercollegiate competition.

Term hours: 175 activity. In order to participate in this course and intercollegiate athletics, all students must enroll in one of the above classes. The most qualified student athletes will be selected to represent the college during the season. These classes satisfy the physical education graduation requirement. These sports will stress fundamentals, team/individual play, and mental and physical conditioning. Daily practice or a minimum of ten hours per week is required. Course may be taken four times for credit. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 214 C  Intercollegiate Swimming - Women (formerly PE 212 C) 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Students must meet the California Community College Athletics Association (CCCAA) eligibility requirements and pass a physical examination prior to intercollegiate competition.

Term hours: 175 activity. In order to participate in this course and in intercollegiate athletics, all students must enroll in one of the above classes. The most qualified student athletes will be selected to represent the college during the season. These classes satisfy the physical education graduation requirement. These sports will stress fundamentals, team/individual play, and mental and physical conditioning. Daily practice or a minimum of ten hours per week is required. Course may be taken four times for credit. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 215 C  Intercollegiate Tennis (formerly PE 214 C) 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Must meet the California Community College Athletics Association (CCCAA) eligibility requirements and pass a physical examination prior to intercollegiate competition.

Term hours: 175 activity. This course is designed for the advanced tennis player wanting to participate on the intercollegiate tennis team. In order to participate in intercollegiate athletics, students must meet the CCCAA eligibility requirements and pass an athletic medical screening. Daily practice is required. Course may be taken four times for credit. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 217 C  Intercollegiate Volleyball - Women (formerly PE 218 C) 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Must meet the California Community College Athletics Association (CCCAA) eligibility requirements and pass a physical examination prior to intercollegiate competition.

Term hours: 175 activity. In order to participate in this course and in intercollegiate athletics, all students must enroll in one of the above classes. The most qualified student athletes will be selected to represent the college during the season. These classes satisfy the physical education graduation requirement. These sports will stress fundamentals, team/individual play, and mental and physical conditioning. Daily practice or a minimum of ten hours per week is required. Course may be taken four times for credit. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 218 C  Intercollegiate Water Polo - Women (formerly PE 219 C) 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Must meet the California Community College Athletics Association (CCCAA) eligibility requirements and pass a physical examination prior to intercollegiate competition.

Term hours: 175 activity. In order to participate in this course and in intercollegiate athletics, all students must enroll in one of the above classes. The most qualified student athletes will be selected to represent the college during the season. These classes satisfy the physical education graduation requirement. These sports will stress fundamentals, team/individual play, and mental and physical conditioning. Daily practice or a minimum of ten hours per week is required. Course may be taken four times for credit. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 219 C  Intercollegiate Water Polo - Men 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Must meet the California Community College Athletics Association (CCCAA) eligibility requirements and pass a physical examination prior to intercollegiate competition.

Term hours: 175 laboratory. In this course, for students to participate in intercollegiate athletics, all students must enroll in one of the above courses. The most qualified student athletes will be selected to represent the college during the season. These courses satisfy the Physical Education requirement. This course will stress fundamentals, team/individual play, and mental and physical conditioning. Daily practice or a minimum of ten hours per week is required. This course may be taken four times for credit. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 222 C  Intercollegiate Badminton - Women (formerly PE 222 C) 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Students must meet the California Community College Athletics Association (CCCAA) eligibility requirements and pass a physical examination prior to intercollegiate competition.

Term hours: 175 activity. This course is designed for the advanced badminton player wanting to participate on the intercollegiate badminton team. In order to participate in intercollegiate athletics, students must meet the CCCAA eligibility requirements and pass an athletic medical screening. Daily practice is required. Course may be taken four times for credit. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 230 C  Introduction to Kinesiology (formerly PE 252 C) 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course covers the introduction and orientation to the field of Kinesiology as a profession and as an academic discipline. Explores sub-disciplines, opportunities in the field, philosophy, and scientific foundation. (UC/CSU, C-ID: KIN 100)

KIN 231 C  Elementary School Movement - Kinesiology (formerly PE 231 C) 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory. This course is designed to acquaint the prospective elementary school teachers with physical education programs in grades K-6. The course includes observation, visitation, and actual teaching field work at an elementary school. The campus laboratory hours include methods, skills, and activities used in teaching elementary physical education. The course is recommended for elementary education majors and recommended for recreation and physical education majors. (CSU/CSU GE)

KIN 235 C  First Aid, CPR and Emergencies (formerly PE 235 C) 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course includes the theory and implementation of the skills necessary in response to an emergency. Successful completion of the course will qualify the student for the American Red Cross "Responding to Emergencies" First Aid Certificate, Adult, Child and Infant CPR Certificates, and Automated External Defibrillation Certificate. Costs may include materials for the construction of a First Aid Kit. $27 Red Cross service fee payable at registration. (UC/CSU, CSU GE, C-ID: KIN 101)

KIN 236 C  Athletic Injuries-Prevention and Care (formerly PE 236 C) 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course concentrates on the prevention, evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. Methods of taping and the use of training room equipment will also be covered. (UC/CSU)

KIN 240 C  Sports Officiating (formerly PE 240 C) 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 hours activity. This course provides practical experience with an emphasis on knowledge and interpretation of rules of sporting events. The rules and mechanics of officiating basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball and other sports will be covered. This course can be used for recreation majors, physical education majors, and people involved in community athletic organizations. The course will also explore avenues of employment related to sports officiating. (CSU/UC)

KIN 241 C  Theory of Coaching Basketball (formerly PE 266 C) 3 Units

Term hours: 36 hours lecture and 54 laboratory. This course is designed to study the various aspects of coaching basketball. The emphasis of the class will be on the theory of how to organize a basketball program activity from start to finish of a season. The development of individual/team skills both offensive and defensive and scouting and/or coaching will be examined. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU)

KIN 242 C  Theory of Coaching Baseball (formerly PE 267 C) 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 hours activity. This course includes the study of various aspects of coaching baseball. The emphasis of the class will be on the theory of how to organize a baseball program, develop individual skills, and coach offensive and defensive team work. The lab consists of scouting and coaching baseball. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU)

KIN 244 C  Lifetime Fitness and Wellness (formerly Human Performance) 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course provides guidelines for lifetime fitness using a combined approach of exercise physiology, nutrition, and biomechanics. Students will develop a working knowledge of physiological adaptations to aerobic and anaerobic exercise, of nutritional programs to achieve and maintain ideal body weight, and of desirable lifestyle management behaviors to improve wellness and health. (CSU/UC, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 247 C  Sports Management (formerly PE 247 C) 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course consists of how to organize, manage, plan, staff, direct, and control a sports program. The course also includes such areas as budget, facilities, scheduling, officials, transportation, public relations, parent and booster clubs, purchase and care of athletic equipment, fund raising, and marketing. (CSU)

KIN 248 C Psychology of Sport 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course consists of the psychological study of athletes on all levels of competition. The course includes such areas as competition, understanding coaches, goal setting, motivation, youth sports, anxiety and stress, relaxation and sport imagery, relationships, and drug abuse in sports. (UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC)

KIN 249 C  Sport and United States Society (formerly PE 250 C) 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course examines sport in the United States society and how various ethnic and under-represented groups have influenced sport participation at the local, state, and national levels. Influences of other cultures outside of the United States will be reviewed and analyzed. Media influences on the perception of sport in society will be examined. (CSU/UC, AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC, SOC JUST)

KIN 255 C  Lifeguarding (formerly PE 237 C) 1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): A minimum of 15 years of age, the ability to swim continuously 500 yards and complete a 7 to 10 feet surface dive.

Term hours: 18 lecture and 18 laboratory. This course is designed to develop and perfect the basic swimming strokes needed to successfully execute the various lifesaving skills. Upon completion of the class a student who successfully passes the written and practical exams will be qualified to be certified for an American Red Cross Lifeguard Training, First Aid, and CPR for the Professional Rescuer. $35 materials fee payable at registration (CSU/UC, CSU GE)

KIN 256 C  Water Safety Instruction (formerly PE 238 C) 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): 16 years of age minimum, American Red Cross precourse written and skills tests.

Advisory: Competency in swimming, diving, and water safety skills.

Term hours: 18 lecture and 54 laboratory. This American Red Cross course will prepare instructor candidates to teach a variety of American Red Cross swimming and water safety courses to people of all ages. Upon satisfactory completion, the students will receive an American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor certificate. This class does not meet the requirements for P.E. activity classes. $52 materials fee payable at registration. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation)

KIN 270 C  Nutrition Science and Application 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course focuses on nutrition science using biological basis. It includes study of the human diet in the context of disease prevention and enhancement of health. Students will critically evaluate current controversies and global nutrition-related issues. (CSU/UC, AA GE, CSU GE, C-ID: NUTR 110)

KIN 270HC  Honors Nutrition: Science and Application 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This Honors-enhanced course focuses on nutrition science using biological basis. It includes study of the human diet in the context of disease prevention and enhancement of health. Students will critically evaluate current controversies and global nutrition-related issues. Duplicate credit not granted for KIN 270 C. (CSU/UC, AA GE, CSU GE, C-ID: NUTR 110)

KIN 271 C Movement Anatomy 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course discusses movement as it relates to exercise and sports. The course examines the composition, structure, function and movements of bones and joints; the structure and actions of skeletal muscle; and the practical application of kinesiological principles in developing structurally sound exercise program. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation)

KIN 272 C Strength and Conditioning 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course provides a thorough review of the structure, action and performance of skeletal muscle for those intending to teach strength training. The course studies anatomy and physiology; muscular strength and endurance; flexibility; training sequences; available equipment; and safety factors, including contraindications. This course is part of Fitness Specialist Certification. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation)

KIN 273 C Exercise Physiology 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course examines how the body functions under conditions of exercise stress. Students will study the practical implications of muscle function, cardiorespiratory and hormonal function; metabolism; body composition, training techniques; and the influence of the environment on exercise. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation)

KIN 274 C Exercise Testing and Prescript 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory. This course, a part of the Fitness Specialist Certificate Program, is a survey of health-related assessment tests and exercise prescription. Study of the application of exercise guidelines for apparently healthy adults based upon the standards of the American Heart Association and the American College of Sports Medicine. (CSU)

KIN 283 C Women's Health 3 Units

Term Hours: 54 lecture. This course investigates a variety of topics that concern women's health. These include the effect of lifestyle on health; the role of exercise and nutrition in promoting wellness; risk factors for cardiovascular disease, chronic diseases, and cancer; social influences and work trends that affect women; abusive behaviors, sexual harassment, and substance abuse; sexual and reproductive health; and the aging process. Students analyze theoretical and practical information to make healthy lifestyle choices. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE)

KIN 284 C  Contemporary Personal Health (formerly PE 234 C) 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course focuses on the exploration of major health issues and behaviors in the various dimensions of health. Emphasis is placed on individual responsibility for personal health and the promotion of informed, positive health behaviors. Topics include nutrition, exercise, weight control, mental health, stress management, violence, substance abuse, reproductive health, disease prevention, aging, healthcare, and environmental hazards and safety. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation, AA GE, CSU GE, C-ID: PHS 100)

KIN 289 C  Civic Engagement in Public Health 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 60 laboratory. This course focuses on community as a unit of identity, community, well being, and social justice perspectives and initiatives to promote community health. This course addresses community change and improvements in community well being, with a focus on health equity research for action using principles and practice in the planning, facilitation and evaluation of public health education and trainings. This course covers basic theories and participatory training methods with a focus on meeting the needs of diverse communities and adult learners. Students complete 60 hours of internship in the area of public health engagement. (CSU, AA GE)

KIN 290 C  Philosophy and Consciousness of Yoga 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course is an introduction to the philosophy of yoga. With a critical and historical overview and analysis of the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gitta, further, students will critically analyze the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. This lineage of yoga will be approached through the methodology of practice set out by Patanajali that integrates an eight-limbed system of practice. (CSU/UC)

KIN 291 C Yoga and the Physical Body 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory. This course is an introduction to anatomy and physiology of yoga, critically observed through the practical application of asana (postures). Students will look at asana through the principles of effort and ease: what are the key musculoskeletal areas in use during asana, and what is implied by effort and ease as a synthesis for exploring and returning to homeostasis in the body. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation)

KIN 292 C Yoga and the Subtle Body 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory. In this course, students will learn that the subtle body refers to the energy systems of the body. Students will look at what energy (prana) is, and how it is stored and is moved throughout the body as a form of information. Students will consider principles such as prana, nadis, chakras, as well as the koshas; further, students will approach the energy system as foundational for health, and as such, will look at foundational Ayurvedic principles. (CSU/UC Credit Limitation)

KIN 293 C Contemporary Yoga Studies 3 Units

Previously KIN 293 C Yoga Teaching Methodology and Ethics. Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. With consideration to the history, philosophy, and psychology of yoga, students will critically assess the contemporary significance of yoga as a therapeutic, meditative, and mind-body intervention for health and wellbeing. (CSU, AA GE)

KIN 295 C Kinesiology - Internship Sem 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory. This course is a seminar for analysis of field experiences, including appropriate theory, skills and techniques, in addition to supervised experience in an approved fieldwork location agency. Internship must be specific to the discipline of kinesiology. Minimum of 60 hours per semester. (CSU, AA GE)

KIN 299 C  Kinesiology - Independent Study (formerly PE 299C) 0.5-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Approved Independent Study Learning Contract.

Term hours: A maximum of 108 hours depending on units attempted. This course is designed for students who wish to gain experience in teaching physical education classes or to increase knowledge and experience in applied areas of Kinesiology. Students must obtain permission from instructor of subject area they will be working with and will be under direct supervision of that instructor. This course does not meet requirements of physical education activity classes. (CSU)

At Cypress College, there are Department Program Student Learning Outcomes and Degree & Certificate Program Student Learning Outcomes.

Department Program Student Learning Outcomes:

The courses taught by this department contribute to the following ISLO/PSLOs: A-Breadth of Knowledge, Competencies, and Skills, B-Communication Skills, C-Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Information Competency Skills, and D-Personal, Academic, and Professional Development; specifically, the following ISLO/PSLO subcategories: A1-Kinesiology and Athletics, B1-Reading, B2-Writing, B3-Communicating, B4-Presenting, C1-Analysis, C2-Computation, C3-Research, C4-Problem Solving, C5-Technology, D1-Personal Responsibility, D2-Global Citizenship, and D3-Equity.

Students who complete the Kinesiology program, students will be able to:

  • Identify various career opportunities within the field of kinesiology.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the anatomical structure and physiological function of the body at rest and in human performance.
  • Apply the principles of physical fitness development and maintenance as well as the body's responses to physical activity.
  • Recognize factors instrumental in the development and performance of motor skills.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the value and significance of physical activity for human development, human interactions and quality of life.
  • Display leadership, effective communication, and skill set related to the field.
  • Appreciate and endorse the value of lifelong fitness.

Upon completion of the Public Health Science program, students will be able to:

  • Describe the core functions of public health.
  • Identify various career opportunities within the field of public health.
  • Apply critical analysis skills to contemporary health issues.
  • Assess the fundamental characteristics and organizational structures of the U.S. Heath system and note significant differences in systems in other countries.
  • Discuss the role of community engagement in promoting public health and social justice.
  • Describe risk factors and modes of transmissions for infectious and chronic diseases and how these diseases affect both personal and public health.
  • Appreciate the multiple determinants of health, including sociological, economic, genetic, behavioral, environmental, and other factors that impact human health and health disparities.
  • Apply the basic concepts, methods, and tools of public health data collection, use, and analysis and explain why evidence-based approaches are an essential part of public health practice.
  • Endorse lifestyle behaviors that promote individual and public health and well-being.
  • Value multicultural perspectives and sensitivities on health.

Degree & Certificate Program Student Learning Outcomes:

The program student learning outcomes for each award can be found on the specific degree or certificate page.