Journalism and Media Studies

Division: Visual and Performing Arts

Division Dean

Dr. Kellori Dower


Michael Coronado


Renay Laguana-Ferinac
Renee Ssensalo

Patrons of the Arts

The Cypress College Patrons of the Arts is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization that functions under the auspices of the Cypress College Foundation. It was founded in 1975 to encourage community participation in the college’s visual & performing arts programs and exhibits, foster cultural, visual, and performing arts activities at the college, and to raise funds to provide scholarships to talented students in the fields of:

Media Arts Design1

Please contact the Cypress College Patrons of the Arts at or (714) 484-7139 for further information.

JOUR 101 C Reporting and Writing 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Eligibility for ENGL 100 C or ENGL 101 C or ESL 110 C.

Advisory: Ability to type 20 words per minute.

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course is an introduction to gathering, synthesizing/organizing and writing news in journalistic style across multiple platforms. Includes role of the journalist and related legal and ethical issues. Students will report and write based on their original interviews and research to produce news content. Experiences may include covering speeches, meetings and other events, writing under deadline and the use of Associated Press Style. (CSU/UC, C-ID: JOUR 110)

JOUR 110 C Global Media 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course is a survey of global mass communication and the interrelationships of media with society including history, structure and trends in a digital age. Discussion of theories and effects, economics, technology, law and ethics, global media, media literacy, and social issues, including gender and cultural diversity. (CSU/UC, AA GE, CSU GE, C-ID: JOUR 100)

JOUR 118 C Messages for Electronic Media 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This speech and mass communications course investigates the history, theory, contemporary issues, and current law in broadcasting, cable and the Web. Students create and broadcast video and audio presentations in addition to learning through lecture and reading. (CSU, CSU GE)

JOUR 130 C Visual Communication 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course is a survey of the significant techniques and examples of visual com­munication as employed by the mass media, including the World Wide Web, newspapers, magazines, television, and advertising. Discussion and demonstration of the tools used in analyzing visual communication. Creation and analysis of images for print, Web and video. (UC/CSU/C-ID: JOUR 170)

JOUR 140 C Public Relations 3 Units

Advisory: Ability to type 20 WPM and understand basic computer operations.

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course covers the principles, history and development, and professional practice of modern public relations. Includes concepts of planning and executing effective communications strategies, including message design and distribution, for any organization. (CSU/C-ID: JOUR 150)

JOUR 225 C Student Media Practicum I 3 Units

Advisory: : Should be able to type 20 words per minute.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory. In this course, students will produce daily, under the direction of student editors and producers, news and feature content for student media. Student media includes World Wide Web publications, print publications, video production for file streaming and podcasting, live Webcast streaming of audio and video productions, the use of social networking tools, and, possibly, public access cable television. Student media serves students, staff and faculty on campus plus a community audience. Students will learn the basics of design/layout; visual, online and multimedia journalism, and explore emerging technologies. Students will report to advanced student editors in a newsroom in which students control all content. (CSU/C-ID: JOUR 130)

JOUR 226 C Student Media Practicum II 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): JOUR 225 C with a grade of C or better.

Advisory: 20 wpm keyboarding is helpful

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory. This course emphasizes creating and maintaining The Cypress Chronicle student news website, The course is taught in a newsroom using the media convergence model in which students work alongside of, and share their production with, other campus media. Skills developed include writing for the internet, using digital photography, editing digital video and audio, using on-line publishing software, plus managing media and advertising. (CSU/C-ID: JOUR 131)

JOUR 227 C  Student Media Practicum III 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): JOUR 226 C with a grade of C or better.

Advisory: Ability to type 20wpm.

This course requires higher skill level and/or leadership/management involvement than JOUR 226 C. The students will demonstrate how to produce family content under the direction of student editors and producers, news and feature content for student media. Student media includes World Wide Web publications, print publications, video production for file streaming and podcasting, live Webcast streaming of audio and video productions, the use of social networking tools and possibly public access cable television. Student media serves students, staff and faculty on campus plus a community audience. Students will demonstrate learned skill sets to produce design/layout, visual, online and multimedia journalism, and explore emerging technologies. Advanced students learn to be editors in a newsroom in which students control all content.

JOUR 228 C Visual Journalism 3 Units

Advisory: Should be able to type 20 words per minute.

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course trains visual journalists who use video and still imaging for electronic news gathering. It focuses on theory and practice in press and publications photography, with emphasis on using the DSLR camera as a reporting and communications tool. Covered are news and feature photography and photographic essays, including composition, impact, and creativity, for print, World Wide Web, broadcast, and Webcasting. (CSU, C-ID: JOUR 160)

JOUR 229 C Broadcast Production 3 Units

Advisory: Should be able to type 20 words per minute.

Term hours: 54 lecture. Emphasis is on creating broadcast television and radio style programming for posting as files and for streaming on the internet as well as for distributing conventionally. The course is taught in a newsroom using the media convergence model in which students work alongside of, and share their production with, other campus media. Skills developed include broadcast writing, videography, audio and video production, and internet distribution, plus managing media and advertising. (CSU)

JOUR 230 C Video for Photographers 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Completion of or concurrent enrollment in PHOT 101 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 54 lecture. Video for Photographers introduces the photographer to the use of a single device--a digital camcorder with frame capture or a digital camera with high-definition video, or a hybrid device--for simultaneous video and still imaging. The student learns single-camera and three-camera production techniques on location and in the studio. The course includes using the still camera motor drive as a digital video tool. The student’s project will include: Treatments, scripts, shooting scripts, shooting video, shooting sequential photographs, basic audio, logging, edit decision lists, frame capture, video editing software, slideshow production, and presentation in a multimedia presentation platforms. This course gives basic video skills to the photographer who must work in video, also, for multimedia. (CSU)

JOUR 298 C  Communication and Journalism Seminar 0.5-12 Units

Prerequisite(s): May be required.

Corequisite(s): May be required.

Advisory: May be required.

Term hours: 0-216 lecture and/or 0-648 laboratory depending on units attempted. This seminar course is for able students who wish to extend their knowledge of literature, language and culture through small group discussion. Fees may be required-Payable at Registration. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU)

JOUR 299 C Journalism Independent Study 0.5-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Approved Independent Study Learning Contract

Term hours: 0-36 lecture and/or 0-108 laboratory depending on units attempted. This course is for students who wish to increase their knowledge of journalism through individual study, research or internships. Permission of the instructor is required along with a contract outlining a student's independent work and the supervision of the instructor. May be taken for credit 4 times. (CSU)

The courses taught by this department contribute to the following ISLO/PSLOs: A-Breadth of Knowledge, Competencies, and Skills, B-Communication Skills, C-Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Information Competency Skills, and D-Personal, Academic, and Professional Development; specifically, the following ISLO/PSLO subcategories: A1-Humanities and the Arts, B1-Reading, B2-Writing, B3-Communicating, B4-Presenting, C1-Analysis, C3-Research, C4-Problem Solving, C5-Technology, D1-Personal Responsibility, D2-Global Citizenship, and D3-Equity.

Students who complete the Journalism field of study will be able to:

  • Acquire knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary for employment.