3D Animation Certificate

Division: Visual and Performing Arts

Financial Aid Eligible

The 3D Animation Certificate provides the skills necessary to create three dimensional models and 3D animated short films appropriate for use in movies, television, electronic gaming, and Internet distribution. Emphasis is placed on development of a portfolio for employment and/or advancement. To earn a certificate, complete the required courses as listed with a grade of C or better. At least 50% of all course work must be completed at Cypress College. This certificate requires a total of 18 units.

Required Courses (18 units):
MAD 104 C Introduction to 3D (formerly Introduction to 3D Graphics-Mac)3
or MAD 120 C Beginning 3D
MAD 150 C Intermediate 3D (formerly Intermediate Animation-Mac)3
MAD 156 C Advanced 3D (formerly Advanced Animation-Mac)3
MAD 180 C Video Editing (formerly Video Editing-Mac)3
MAD 200 C Storyboarding, Comics, Previz (formerly Storyboard, Comics, Pre Visual)3
MAD 210 C3D Storyboarding and Layout3
Total Units18
