Photography Associate in Arts Degree

Division: Fine Arts

Financial Aide Eligible

The Photography Associate in Arts Degree is designed to prepare students for entry into occupational photographic fields. A student may also elect to work toward a transfer into a four-year institution, in the field of Fine Arts. To earn an Associate Degree students must complete: (1) all major course requirements with a grade of C or better; (2) Cypress College Native General Education requirements; California State University General Education Breadth requirements (CSU GE Breadth) or IGETC General Education requirements; (3) the Social Justice, Equity and Sustainability and reading requirements; (4) any elective courses to complete a minimum of 60 units; and, (5) have a minimum GPA of 2.0. At least 50% of all major course work must be completed at Cypress College. Courses that fulfill major requirements for an Associate Degree at Cypress College might not be the same as those required for completing the major at a transfer institution offering a Baccalaureate Degree. For information on specific university requirements, please consult with your counselor, or visit the Transfer Center. This degree requires a total of 33 units

Required Courses (36 units):
PHOT 101 CIntroduction to Photography3
PHOT 103 CIntermediate Photography3
PHOT 104 CWedding and Event Photography3
PHOT 109 CPortrait Photography3
PHOT 118 CAvailable Light Photography3
PHOT 202 CContemporary Photography3
PHOT 203 CStudio Lighting Techniques3
PHOT 204 CHistory of Photography3
PHOT 115 CIntrod. to Digital Photography3
PHOT 219 CEditorial Photography3
PHOT 220 CAlternative Photo Processes I3
Total Units33

Program Student Learning Outcomes:

OUTCOME 1: An understanding of visual forms and their aesthetic functions, and basic design principles, developing throughout the degree program, with attention to such areas as design, color, and lighting.

OUTCOME 2: Knowledge and skills in the use of basic tools, techniques, technologies, and processes sufficient to work from concept to finished product. This involves a mastery of the materials, equipment, and processes of the discipline, including uses of cameras, film, lighting/digital technologies, processing in black and white and in color, printing (wet, hybrid, and digitally), and work with nonsilver materials.

OUTCOME 3: An understanding of the industrial and commercial applications of photographic techniques.

OUTCOME 4: Functional knowledge of photographic history and theory, the relationship of photography to the visual disciplines, and its influence on culture.

OUTCOME 5: The ability to work and study independently.