Adult Basic Education (ABE)

ABE 240 24 Hours Creative Writing for Seniors

This course for older adults teaches both beginning and experienced writers how to create shape autobiographies, fiction and non-fiction writing, and poetry into readable and publishable forms. (Apportionment)

ABE 430 36 Hours Literacy - Beginning

Designed for students with very limited reading skills. The focus of this course is on decoding skills, fluency and workplace literacy. Sight words and essential word reading are covered. (Apportionment)

ABE 432 36 Hours Literacy - Intermediate

Reading and writing preparation for the workplace or academic advancement. Emphasis on reading for information, vocabulary expansion and good communication skills. (Apportionment)

ABE 435 36 Hours Literacy - Advanced

Reading for information and academic vocabulary. Writing skills necessary for higher education and the workplace such as essays, note taking, job applications, resumes, and business writing. (Apportionment)

ABE 440 36 Hours Writing Your Life Story for Older Adults

This course teaches both beginning and experienced older adult writers how to write a life story in the form of memoirs--short stories that tell of life events, people, and major turning points, expressed in vivid ways to delight readers, offer important insights, and to provide a written legacy for family and friends. (Apportionment)

ABE 445 2 Hours ASE Ed Planning

Assessment & orientation to and for students referred to Learning Centers. Basic skills level will be reviewed with individual student per referral to support services and to assist student in successfully completing educational goal. (Orientation)