Review and Release of Student Information

In accordance with Title V (California Code of Regulations) and the provisions of the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, the North Orange County Community College District has established an official policy for student review of and release of student records and students are guaranteed the right to the privacy of their records. This policy allows for the student to review his or her records after contacting the Admissions and Records Office. The policy also describes when student records will be released to a third party and allows the release of student directory information unless the student informs the Admissions and Records Office that he/she does not want such information released.

This policy is available for student review and includes:

  • the types of student records and information maintained;
  • the official responsible for the maintenance of each type of record;
  • the policies for reviewing and expunging records;
  • the right of each student to access his or her records;
  • procedures for challenging the content of student records;
  • the cost of producing copies of records;
  • the categories of information designated as directory information;
  • the locations of any required logs or records;
  • definitions of officials and employees and legitimate educational interest; and
  • the right of a student to file a complaint with the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

Any student wishing to review this policy in its entirety may do so by contacting the Admissions and Records Office.