Academic Honesty

Students are expected to abide by ethical standards in preparing and presenting material which demonstrates their level of knowledge and which is used to determine grades. Such standards are founded on basic concepts of integrity and honesty. These include, but are not limited to the following areas:

  1. Students shall not plagiarize, which is defined as stealing or passing off as one’s own ideas or words of another and as using a creative production without crediting the source. The following cases are examples of what constitutes plagiarism:
    • paraphrasing published material without acknowledging the source.
    • making significant use of an idea or a particular arrangement of ideas, e.g., outlines.
    • writing a paper after consulting with persons who provide suitable ideas and incorporating these ideas into the paper without acknowledging the debt.
    • submitting under one’s own name, term papers or other reports which have been prepared by others.
  2. Students shall not cheat, which is defined as using notes, aids, or the help of other students on tests or exams in ways other than those expressly permitted by the instructor; and as misreporting or altering the data in laboratory or research projects involving the collection of data.
  3. Students shall not submit an original paper or project to more than one class without approval from the second instructor. Instructors who do not accept previously submitted papers should so inform the students in the course syllabus.
  4. Students shall not furnish materials or information in order to enable another student to plagiarize or cheat.
    Plagiarism Prevention and Detection: In its commitment to academic honesty, Cypress College uses software to prevent and detect plagiarism.
    The instructor reserves the right to submit student assignments to to check for textural similarities between those assignments, Internet sources and the assignment database. Students will be required to electronically submit their written work for plagiarism checking. Assignments submitted to will become part of their database and will be used only for plagiarism prevention and detection.
    Students agree that by enrolling in a course, assignments may be subject to the above plagiarism prevention and detection processes.

An instructor who has evidence that an act of academic dishonesty has occurred, after speaking with the student, is obligated to take the following steps:

  1. Assign an appropriate academic penalty such as an oral reprimand (as in cases where there is reasonable doubt that the student knew that the action violated the standards of honesty); or assign an “F” on all or part of a particular paper, project, or exam (for example, where there was proof that it was a one-time occurrence). In cases where an “F” was assigned, report the incident to all appropriate personnel. (See Step 3.)
  2. In cases where the dishonesty was serious, premeditated, or part of an ongoing scheme, request an ad hoc review board made up of at least three faculty from the department or division of the instructor involved. This review board is to be appointed by the Academic Senate President or his/her delegate in consultation with the department coordinator, or if none is in place, with the members of the department. Supply to the review board the documents which are suspect and any other documents completed by the student which might help determine if academic dishonesty occurred. It would then be the responsibility of the review board to determine academic penalties as appropriate.
  3. Report to the student involved, to the department coordinator, to the Division Dean, and to the Dean of Counseling and Student Development, the alleged incident of academic dishonesty, including relevant documentation, and recommendations for action that he or she deems appropriate.
  4. The appropriate Division Dean shall maintain an academic dishonesty file of all cases of academic dishonesty with the appropriate documentation.
  5. Students shall be informed when their names are inserted into the file and provided with copies of any appeals or disciplinary procedures in which they may become involved. The appropriate Division Dean may initiate disciplinary proceedings under Education Code, Article 3, Section 76030–76037; when two or more incidents involving the same student occur, he/she shall do so.
  6. Students charged with violations resulting in disciplinary action have the right to appeal the findings to the Petitions Committee under the Rules and Procedures of Due Process.