Proofreading Certificate


The Proofreading Certificate provides the student with the necessary knowledge, skills, and background to work in the field of court reporting as a proofreader. To earn a certificate, a student must complete the required courses as listed with a grade of C or better. At least 50 percent of all course work must be completed at Cypress College. This certificate requires a total of 20 units.  

Required courses are listed in suggested sequence (20 units):
CTRP 040 C Beginning Machine Shorthand Theory3
CTRP 041 CCourt Reporting Theory Review3
CTRP 073ACSpelling for Modern Business1
CTRP 073BCPunctuation for Court Report.1
CTRP 073CC Formatting, Style and Usage1
CTRP 073DCProofreading1
CTRP 067 CBasic Vocabulary Development2
CTRP 068 C Advanced Vocabulary Development1.5
BUS 055 CBusiness English3
CTRP 093 C Information Technology-CTRP2
CTRP 086 CInternship - Proofreading1.5
Total Units20

Program Student Learning Outcomes:

OUTCOME 1: Acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to work one-on-one with a court, deposition, or hearing reporter proofreading transcripts. Special emphasis is required in formatting, proofreading, basic and advanced vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling. These skills are necessary for employment as a proofreader.